Wow. However do note that some humanities teachers would not know a level of maths themselves to teach junior maths. Also, they could be teaching in a wrong manner which is not effective or teaching in a manner where they are making students learn a method in the wrong way. I guess this is why...
Need raw marks for the exam.
Was 97 the HSC mark given? Did this person order their raw marks report?
Most of the information in this thread is highly misleading and is based off no credible information. The only proper information we have gotten here is that an aligned mark that received...
inb4 the users on here who go Penrith High shitstorm.
But I get the point you are making here Braintic. It makes sense to give them an opportunity to do the subjects they want. There are first year engineering students that I have met that wished to do MX2 in high school, and they did well in...
To be fair, maths is much more professional in uni, which hence means the MX1 and MX2 students will have gaps to begin with (like learning MVT, IVT, etc is pretty important but is swept under at HSC level).
There's no elitism for any certain degrees.
Well it does say minimum of 75 WAM.
However, I had a friend transfer from BIS into CIS with a low 90 ATAR after applying for transfer half way through semester 1 (all they looked at were the marks for...
Even for the higher maths courses at UNSW (I'm guessing UTS and USyd also have a normal and advanced stream for maths courses that are equivalent but with a harder final exam), they will briefly go over topics from MX1 and MX2 that require most attention to. I know that at UNSW 2U is...
In my day we were lucky to even get an extension class running.
Pretty bad to have 30 students with 3 classes. However its up to the schools discretion in the end so its their say.
Just wing the final HSC exam with minimal study (don't let it get in the way of other subjects).
I did that for eco and still got a band 4 somehow with only doing 4 hours study the day before and maybe less than 20 hours of study the whole year for it lol.
Nao, sig yourself saying "fasadabubsibauadul". The Anglicising of the name there was strong.
(or you can sig this as I said the fasadabubsibauadul lel)
Seventh you never texted me back.
I got sushi so yes it was a strong meat indeed. I sat inside a CATS room, broke the rule of no eating and ate my sushi alone there while waiting for my tute. Then I was re-united with many other friends during the tute as always. Then I forgot BoS existed again.