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  1. Official

    Plans for starting Year 12 in a few months?

    Pick up Ext 2 Maths. Possibly drop Economics so I have 8 units next year! (if I choose not to repeat 3U).
  2. Official

    James Ruse?

    Umm no; sorry m8
  3. Official

    Inspiring songs

    Not Afraid - Eminem
  4. Official

    Year 11 Question..

    At our school it's same teachers. May be different at yours.
  5. Official

    To all Year 11's

    Started off with 2hrs a day @ the start of the year. Gradually diminished into 0.
  6. Official

    You're welcome sir

    You're welcome sir
  7. Official

    Yr 11 performance

    Yeh, it's pretty much the same with most selective / higher up private schools (to a lesser extent than ruse of course). Good thing and a bad thing I guess. More pressure, but more motivation.
  8. Official

    Yr 11 performance

    +1, although I'd much like to do well in both prelims, builds up self confidence for the hsc year!
  9. Official

    Yr 11 performance

    We're in our half-yearly period now! Chem finished today, Phys and Eco to go. I reckon I did okay in Chem, really glad its over & done with. Prelim English Adv (20% Assessment Weighting) - 11/15 - ranked 60/160 (Fml) Economics (15% Assessment Weighting)- 18/20 - ranked 9/80 Physics (20%...
  10. Official

    Disrespect for teachers

    There are some teachers that I do indeed disrespect; they can't teach, resulting in me losing motivation and hating the subject and the teacher. But on the whole, I respect most of my teachers.
  11. Official

    Heh, thanks for the pointer.

    Heh, thanks for the pointer.
  12. Official

    How much of the HSC course have you completed?

    Finished both: - Mathematics - Mx1 And did 60% of our assessment on them so far. Only thing that is required now is consolidation for the trials and the HSC!
  13. Official

    How much of the Preliminary HSC course have you completed?

    Eng, Chem, Phys = 25% done SLR (biggest fail ever) = 50% - failed assessment task :angry::angry: Maths 2u + 3u = done! mainly cuz acceleration
  14. Official

    Thoughts on the Half Yearly Exams

    2U maths was easy as. 3U maths... hard; all I can say. Probably dropped to 20th from my rank 1 in prelims
  15. Official

    Michael liu

    Michael liu
  16. Official

    Hey New Yr 11's!!!

    Year 11 :) woo
  17. Official

    Which career path would you like to pursue in the future?

    Actuary or Law. Possibly both :).
  18. Official


    I did 2/3 U Maths for my prelims (accelerated) and there was nothing to be worried about. Listen to your teacher and do your homework and everything will be fine.
  19. Official

    actual HSC results

    Ye, Matrix has been known to give higher ATAR/UAI estimates than what you would normally get.
  20. Official

    your current favourite song

    Starstrukk - 3Oh!3 Ft. Katy Perry