Search results

  1. Official

    Who thinks they are going to get 99.95 ATAR this year?

    It just means they approve of some comment.
  2. Official

    Who here has got a tutor????

    Ok, put this into perspective. There are some sad people out there who go to Matrix for like Eng Adv, Physics, Chemistry + both MX1 + MX2 in year 12. It's like an average $1500 a term for one of these courses in year 12. So this would cost $7500 a term, meaning $30000 a year. Rofl. They end up...
  3. Official

    studying for pre-lim when should i start?

    Everyone just calm down geez. You'll learn everything when the time comes.
  4. Official

    Ionno, it's funny I guess l.

    Ionno, it's funny I guess l.
  5. Official

    Lol it just says epic fail =p.

    Lol it just says epic fail =p.
  6. Official

    Yeh, $30 for 2 years.

    Yeh, $30 for 2 years.
  7. Official

    Cmon, where's that 2 bar!

    Cmon, where's that 2 bar!
  8. Official

    General Thoughts: English–literacy

    +1, I put numb too.
  9. Official

    Easiest and hardest SC exam??

    What makes u think u got under 95? I'll follow this example instead: Hardest -> Easiest (with predictions) Maths - 99 Computer Skills - 96 History - 94 English - 92 Geography - 91 Science - 88 or 89 (Really want a Band 6 for this though!)
  10. Official

    Easiest and hardest SC exam??

    Easiest: Maths Hardest: Science (Was easy but wasn't satisfied when I came out)
  11. Official

    results on school certificate certificate?

    Yes it does infact. That mark was what my friend estimated last year for school certificate. He ended up with 75.
  12. Official

    Is Matrix tutoring the best??

    Lol haha, nice find btw.
  13. Official

    Dunno, a bit too early for an ATAR aim haha =p. English, went ok I guess, can't really remember...

    Dunno, a bit too early for an ATAR aim haha =p. English, went ok I guess, can't really remember well because the SC was a blur... It just came and went lol.
  14. Official

    Reputation Power

    I noticed that when different people rep me, I get a different number of points + or -'d as a result. (If I gain 5 rep when someone reps me then that person has 5 rep power). I was just wondering what were the factors that affect reputation power and the magnitude to which rep power is...
  15. Official

    What are you currently Reading?

    Catcher in the Rye
  16. Official

    General Thoughts: Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    Lol, I remember being paranoid during the exam so I double/triple checked that I didn't mix the two up.
  17. Official

    General Thoughts: English–literacy

    Sounds like a good idea to tell the truth. I did the dice but wrote about something even more random which I do not wish to talk about lol. Epic fail.