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  1. Official

    General Thoughts: Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    There was a question, I can't remember it well but it had the options: Preservation Sustainability If anyone with a good memory can remember what they put, I'll be grateful :)
  2. Official

    General Thoughts: Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    New Caledonia for Q2 I put Aerial, but I'm now becoming convinced that it is Satellite. Tape Measure + Clinometer
  3. Official

    results on school certificate certificate?

    Well you see, the marks are aligned, so for instance, a 22/50 (44%) gets put on the SC paper as like 75. Check posts made by Cem on the SC section of the BOS forum.
  4. Official

    General Thoughts: Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    Wasnt that just cold front, someone confirm this plz
  5. Official

    General Thoughts: Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    Whitlam was dismissed from office by John Kerr. This was followed by public outrage, as they began the question the reserve powers that the Governor General had. In the end, Labor Party lost power and Liberal Party regained power under Malcolm Fraser. That's what I wrote. I have to admit...
  6. Official

    pre-liminary notes.

    Btw, try the resources section in the front page. They have both prelim and hsc notes
  7. Official

    Overall, was the School Certificate what you expected?

    Your pen must have been on fire or your answers really short.
  8. Official

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Yeh, i put this too.
  9. Official

    Special Provisions

    First time I've heard of a writer provision I have to admit. I know many people in my school who got heaps of extra time tho.
  10. Official

    Overall, was the School Certificate what you expected?

    Fair/Average, although I must say the questions were a little different compared to other years.
  11. Official

    Computer Skills SC

    Yeh, it is quite cheap, nothing BOS can do about it tho.
  12. Official

    Study Notes: Keeping or Trash?

    Keeping. I don't know why.