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  1. Official

    Reputation Power

    I'm not totally sure but I think you need 50 posts before your rep counts. Don't quote me on this.
  2. Official

    need resources 4 chem n physics

    Umm, friends and teacher on the main
  3. Official

    need resources 4 chem n physics

    Heh yw
  4. Official

    need resources 4 chem n physics

    ye some moar papers
  5. Official

    need resources 4 chem n physics

    some chem papers
  6. Official

    need resources 4 chem n physics

    notes module 1
  7. Official

    Physics vs. Chemistry.

    Chem > Phys so far
  8. Official

    After 2011-13 Year 11-12 subjects will look like this:

    Will this be for the 2011 HSC?
  9. Official

    What have you eaten today?

    Maybe... But I snack alot. Plus I eat a "second" dinner at around 11pm because thats usually when I'm the most hungry.
  10. Official

    music died in 1992

    Our eco teacher constantly tells us that music died after the 80s (although he still likes powderfinger).
  11. Official

    Olives - Love or Hate them?

    Like them!
  12. Official

    What have you eaten today?

    Breakfast: Apple + Banana Coffee on the way to school At school: The usual; nutella sandwich and muesli bars + moar apples and bananas. For dinner: Getting ready to have a chunk of lamb :cool:
  13. Official

    What do you spend your cash on?

    Ye this. Although, there is a long list of albums that I want to buy. Oh, and food.
  14. Official

    Science: Student research project, any ideas?

    Lol, this sounds interesting.
  15. Official

    What should I pick?

    Bottom line is, do the subjects you enjoy the most. If you can't decide then go for the scaling =DD
  16. Official

    Srp help

    Ah, I remember doing this last year. I did the amount of time it took for different types/brands of breads to mould, depending on the environment (i.e. in the open or in a wet plastic bag). The hypothesis could be something like: The different types of bread vary in composition and so will...
  17. Official

    Year 11 Subject Selection: prerequisite

    With your current level of english; you'd be hard pressed to get into medicine. To answer your question, you'd need a relatively high ATAR, with a pretty good UMAT score. There are no prerequisites although subjects such as chemistry are recommended..
  18. Official

    Free HSC Resources

    Thanks mate.
  19. Official

    Tutoring - UAI 99.7 - Many subjects

    Wrong forum
  20. Official

    Who thinks they've chosen the WRONG SUBJECT?

    Wish I chose Engineering Studies.