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  1. Official

    HELP - CHEM assessment task on metals

    Aw, I wish I got this task. Instead we have some other random sht on Photosynthesis (from the energy module)
  2. Official

    hows everyone going with advanced eng??

    Pretty well I guess.
  3. Official

    Dot Point Books

    I reckon for prelim, the textbook they give at school is sufficient, (well our school that is) although for the HSC, you may have to delve further if you wanna do well.
  4. Official

    English - Analysis On T.S Eliot [Portrait Of A Lady]

    I cbb reading all that because I already heard you in class. You were pretty good dw
  5. Official

    Possible to get above 84?

    Dude with those ranks, especially at Fort Street u'll probably get 99+
  6. Official

    Half Yearly Reports

    Meh, our school has a lot of competition
  7. Official

    Half Yearly Reports

    2U Maths [5/98] - 98% (4 people tied at 99%)! 3U Maths [7/121] - 93% School Rank: In the 20s
  8. Official

    10-20 songs to rep your fav artist

    Artist: Breaking Benjamin - Alternative Rock 1) Follow Me 2) Sooner or Later 3) I Will Not Bow 4) Diary of Jane 5) Give Me A Sign 6) So Cold 7) Until the End 8) Breath 9) Blow Me Away 10) Medicate
  9. Official

    your current favourite song

    I Will Not Bow - Breaking Benjamin
  10. Official

    Best tutoring colleges

    Selective Vision Burwood is really good for Chemistry. It's also relatively cheap ($350 a month ish). The teacher is really dedicated. She prints out past half-yearlies and yearly/trial papers (which she has a huge collection of from her past students) and gives them to you; most of them with...
  11. Official

    What should I pick?

    Ye, and also the dux of FSHS a few years back got 100 UAI with: Ancient History Modern History Extension History English Adv (+ Ext1 + Ext2) Legal Studies
  12. Official

    Thanks :):)

    Thanks :):)
  13. Official

    Economics (correspondence) - ADVICE NEEDED.

    economics is very good in terms of scaling
  14. Official

    English essay

    Took me ages to memorise my inclass essay. Handwrote it like 3 times but still had trouble. But eventually, by the time it came about, I ended up writing my original essay word for word and got 14/15, dragging my rank up from 60/160 to around 25/160...
  15. Official

    Who thinks they've chosen the WRONG SUBJECT?

    Couldn't agree more. Although in my case it's from SLR (biggest bludge ever) to Engineering.
  16. Official

    School Certificate - Year 10.

    school certificate; whats that?
  17. Official

    help T_T

    It doesn't help that like 50 people got over 35
  18. Official

    help T_T

    any chance that you go fort street
  19. Official

    Half Yearly Reports

    I guess 99.00 Woah competition there is fierce