I reckon for prelim, the textbook they give at school is sufficient, (well our school that is) although for the HSC, you may have to delve further if you wanna do well.
Artist: Breaking Benjamin - Alternative Rock
1) Follow Me
2) Sooner or Later
3) I Will Not Bow
4) Diary of Jane
5) Give Me A Sign
6) So Cold
7) Until the End
8) Breath
9) Blow Me Away
10) Medicate
Selective Vision Burwood is really good for Chemistry. It's also relatively cheap ($350 a month ish). The teacher is really dedicated. She prints out past half-yearlies and yearly/trial papers (which she has a huge collection of from her past students) and gives them to you; most of them with...
Ye, and also the dux of FSHS a few years back got 100 UAI with:
Ancient History
Modern History
Extension History
English Adv (+ Ext1 + Ext2)
Legal Studies
Took me ages to memorise my inclass essay. Handwrote it like 3 times but still had trouble.
But eventually, by the time it came about, I ended up writing my original essay word for word and got 14/15, dragging my rank up from 60/160 to around 25/160...