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  1. Official

    Applications of calculus to the physical world

    I found the simple harmonic motion in this book pretty easy but some of the other topics such as projectile motion a little tricky. (btw I go to same school as you; Fort Street yeh?) but I'm in yr 11 as an accelerant for 3u maths.
  2. Official

    Disadvantaged school

    Yeh.. just do well in everything. BOS makes it so that school rank affects u minimally
  3. Official

    Ye, Pika Luv is the tall, tank dude

    Ye, Pika Luv is the tall, tank dude
  4. Official

    should i drop ext 1 maths

    Yes this, that is why rank is more important
  5. Official

    Naw, don't live so far west. I get on at Ashfield and take the train from there to Petersham

    Naw, don't live so far west. I get on at Ashfield and take the train from there to Petersham
  6. Official

    Course not - those are the annoying years 7s and 8s I love my peace and quiet

    Course not - those are the annoying years 7s and 8s I love my peace and quiet
  7. Official

    What electives do/did you do in yrs9/10?

    Man, elective history ftw, one of the better choices I've made :)
  8. Official

    Need Help !!!!

    Yah this, although I think EngAdv and Eco scale better than Bio
  9. Official

    My rep got you up to 2 box :)

    My rep got you up to 2 box :)
  10. Official

    New Rider in next Inheritance Book?

    arya obviously
  11. Official

    half yearly reports?

    HSC 2U Maths - 98% [5/98] (4 people tied at 99%!) 3U Maths - 93% [7/121] Prelim Chemistry - 98% [2/110] (Many people tied at 98%, one on 100%) Physics - 84% [25/80] (Should have tried harder!) Economics - 93% [8/80] EngAdv - 80% - [40/160] Stuff that I really dc about SLR (1U) - Some fail mark...
  12. Official

    ATAR estimate, please?

    99ish If you put HSC marks of: MX1 - 96 MX2 - 96 Chem - 93 Phys - 92 Eng Adv - 86 into SAM, it turns out to be 99.00 exact (2008 statistics)
  13. Official

    What electives do/did you do in yrs9/10?

    Commerce Elective History IST
  14. Official

    Advice on subjects please?

    Instead of Maths 2U, since you don't seem to enjoy maths, why not choose Modern History or Chemistry? Both are solid choices with high scaling, and seem to follow in the lines of the other subjects you have chosen (Bio & Ancient)
  15. Official

    Making own study notes VS using BOS's

    Lol? Some are good, some are bad. You should look at some dude called Ahmad's HSC chem + bio notes. You'll be blown away.
  16. Official

    How are my marks going to end up?

    Yes this... just try ur best with whatever subject you have, and you'll do good.
  17. Official

    Thanks, I'll return one tomorrow.

    Thanks, I'll return one tomorrow.
  18. Official

    UNSW 3 hour maths exam

    Yah, I did this for the past 2 years, and is doing it this year. Pretty challenging but I've got to admit, fun.
  19. Official

    English Teachers, Can they teach?

    Very broad question really. But I can tell you, my current english teach can really teach :)
  20. Official

    need resources 4 chem n physics

    What about them? No phys unfortunately, they're much harder to come by... for some reason