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  1. Official

    Do I have a hope of 98 with these ranks?

    Mainly because being ranked in the middle of NSBHS is pretty much equivalent to like first or second in any school with a rank lower than 150
  2. Official

    Half yearly reports

    Getting ours week 6 I pretty much know what all my ranks are going to be so I'm happy =D
  3. Official

    estimate atar

    It's possible how do you know his marks so well lol
  4. Official

    Choosing 4 Unit maths?

    Choose 4u, it is not as hard, nor as time consuming as you are led to believe. IMO, it is a bit imbalanced, and should be changed somewhat
  5. Official

    ATAR Estimation 2011 Help =)

    yes, all students keep their own external mark, it is the internal mark that varies depending on ur rank
  6. Official

    What ranks for 99.5 +

    Sciences top 3, english top 20, maths if you maintain ur marks easy 99.5+
  7. Official

    ATAR estimate pl0x, can I get over 95?

    Considering your school rank, with the subjects you are ranked first in, it is up to you to do well in the externals to really get that mid-high band 6 in maths and band 6s in sciences. Sorry to say but your english is currently looking at a low-mid band 4, but if you can improve that you can...
  8. Official

    Still possible to get a band 6 for 2unit maths?

    meh 51% and 40% same thing. but u see it was a praise that you could have made such a comeback and anyway, this only strengthens my point with first hand evidence that a high band 6 is possible even after doing not so well in one assessment task also, no tutoring at all you head
  9. Official


    Term 3 Week 2 start
  10. Official

    Is it possible for me to get a good ATAR?

    if u get outright rank 1, you won't be dragged down by anyone
  11. Official

    Still possible to get a band 6 for 2unit maths?

    refer to my post above of course
  12. Official

    Still possible to get a band 6 for 2unit maths?

    Yes. In my school, in a 35% midyear assessment last year for MX1, someone in my class got 40%. However, he ended up with an overall mark of 48/50 for MX1.
  13. Official

    Most hated module/topic so far?

    Nah. If you look at past MX2 papers in the past few years, circle geo has always been doable. You get any sort of probability in question 8, e.g. take a look at the 2000 MX2 paper, final question, and its game over for those few marks. Although I agree with you in that perms and combs on one...
  14. Official

    Still possible to get a band 6 for 2unit maths?

    Of course it's possible
  15. Official

    How much study are you willing to put in this term?

    2 hours a night for me. It's about how you study not how much!!
  16. Official

    Post your half yearlies grades

    Hayzazz = guaranteed 99 atar + same school - fort street pride English - 14/15 4u Maths - 47/60 (this was obscure and hard) Chemistry - 64/70 Physics - 59/70
  17. Official

    Sorry, but here's another ATAR estimate!

    98+ But sif not do this year MX2 :p