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  1. Official

    Study Journal: How I'm going to get 99.95 ATAR

    lol, haha i only just noticed that Also OP, nice aims
  2. Official

    HSC Marking Centres

    Ok, thanks Ah, that makes perfect sense, thanks. Are they kept forever or are they destroyed after a while?
  3. Official

    Study Journal: How I'm going to get 99.95 ATAR

    This is how you should do it for either maths 1. Learn vaguely all the topics from a textbook such as cambridge. 2. Do like 50+ past papers (most important) - this is much more effective as opposed to doing exercises out like 3+ different textbooks; also saves time 3. Sit HSC and get High band 6
  4. Official

    HSC Marking Centres

    Ah ok, that's dodgy imo, pretty amazing that they don't seem to lose anyone's papers. Any answers to my inital question?
  5. Official

    Umat prep medentry

    There were several people last year at fort street who got 99.5+ with no extensions or sciences, hence you're wrong here mate. Maybe he/she is good at PDHPE?
  6. Official

    HSC Marking Centres

    Just out of curiosity, how many marking centres are there, and where are they? Also, approximately, how many markers are there for subjects such as english or mathematics?
  7. Official

    Looking for a study buddy!

    This is the most retarded comment I've read in the past 2 months of lurking.
  8. Official


    It is because the HSC final mark is divided into 2 equally weighted components, that is, the school mark and the exam mark. The exam mark is the mark you get in the actual hsc exam, while the school mark is the mark you attain from your school assessments which is then moderated depending on the...
  9. Official

    The stress of doing well in your exams

    Lol shit, good luck with that
  10. Official

    Half Yearly Aims

    English - 10/15 Chem - 55% Phys - 50% MX2 - 60% Eco - 40% Hopefully I can hit top 60 in all my subjects except for english with which i'd be happy with any rank that is not 3 digit
  11. Official

    The stress of doing well in your exams

    Lol in a way this is a good thing I guess. At Fort Street, HF are 20% and Trials are 30% for sciences meaning that stuff like practical tasks (lame) take a higher weighting
  12. Official

    Is it necessary to actually read Frankenstein?

    I've read it, it was actually a pretty interesting read
  13. Official

    How fast do you write?

    Lol wtf, this is a true beast - no wonder you got the mark you did.
  14. Official

    Why do you go to tutoring?

    I don't go tutoring
  15. Official

    Polynomials Question

    Lol Hayden, fail
  16. Official

    Magic: The Gathering

    It was a good game indeed, remember playing this during years 5 and 6
  17. Official

    Situations in which teachers make themselves look like retards

    Believe me tho, some of the things I've seen in the past make that fail look tame
  18. Official

    how much time is everyone dedicating to 4 unit and 3 unit maths?

    Indeed, but it didn't prevent Aindan from getting a 49 in 3u maths accelerated last year =p Source: Same class