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  1. Official

    suggest some shit for me to do at uni

    Adrian has to be most annoying person during our 4u classes lol
  2. Official

    just a quick question about mx2?

    Usually around 5 raw marks = 1 mx2 hsc mark in the E4 range. so like 100/120 for 96 and 95/120 for 95
  3. Official

    Q7 and Q8 in the HSC

    I guess these are decent - luckily in the HSC a hard question is divided into many parts making it much easier
  4. Official

    memorising a 1.5k essays in a week?

    Read it to yourself in a clear voice. Many people at my school memorises 1k word+ essays in 3-4 hours using this method. I take like 4 days =/
  5. Official

    atar estimate? (lol)

    wow 275 people doing standard - holy shit, what school? 94+
  6. Official

    is it stupid to study "harder 3 unit topics" in 4 unit, if you are only doing the 3U?

    Re: is it stupid to study "harder 3 unit topics" in 4 unit, if you are only doing the Not worth it, just do past papers
  7. Official

    Ranking question

    Yes, unless more than one person were tied at rank 1 or someone got a higher external mark than you, it which case you take his external mark as ur internal mark
  8. Official

    where am i at?

    IMO you can hit 96 with those ranks, just maintain them and do well in externals
  9. Official

    ATAR calculations - please help!

    The test could have been hard, you never know
  10. Official

    Post year 12 jersey names

    someone should put 'kick me' at the back of their jersey
  11. Official

    Uni Course ?

    B Com/B Law UNSW
  12. Official

    estimate atar

    I estimate 65-75 atar