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  1. Official

    Can someone please explain very carefully and not too long.

    Last year I was ranked 1/118 for MX1. Somehow I managed to minorly fuck up the HSC and I attained a mark of 48/50. However, some tank at my school got 50/50 for his external mark - so that became my internal mark. HENCE - I got 48 for external, 50 for internal which averaged to 49 :) Which is...
  2. Official

    Be warned!

    All I can say is that maths is a very crammable subject in terms of content. In terms of attaining a very good mark - it's a different story.
  3. Official

    Maths Ext 2?

    Sheesh, I've done zero MX2 all holidays round, I think I'm getting a tad bit overconfident - which of course, is definitely not a good thing.
  4. Official

    Who hasn't been studying much seriously?

    All I did was fall asleep trying to read Frankenstein
  5. Official

    Free 2unit maths tutoring - eastern suburbs

    If free tutoring is over now - I'm not sure what you're offering
  6. Official

    Maths Ext 2?

    Just do it tbh - i'm doing ext2 despite getting 99 in my 2u test this year!
  7. Official

    Cost of Matrix Education (sorry about being in wrong section)

    Quite expensive - like 1k a term? not worth going tbh Source: First hand experience
  8. Official


  9. Official

    What topic are you doing for ext 2 maths atm?

    Lol no, complex is one of the hardest (not q2, but if it comes out after q6, its freaking hard) I'm doing polynomials
  10. Official

    requesting opinions thanks!!

    obviously you're not fucked... If you try harder for the rest of ur assessment tasks you can achieve 96+ easy
  11. Official

    Recommended textbooks?

    Naw bro, it's actually good
  12. Official

    Share your 2010 ATAR here

    Dunno if it's just me, but maths seems much easier to get higher in than all the other subjects by far
  13. Official

    Recommended textbooks?

    Jacaranda Chemistry by Thickett is very good for Chem. Excel Mathematics should suffice for Mathematics.
  14. Official

    Share your 2010 HSC results here

    Theres 36% E4's in MX1 this year as opposed to 34% in 2009.
  15. Official

    Share your 2010 HSC results here

    Really, not to be rude, but even MX2 - and if so how many people did it?
  16. Official

    Dropping subject: Chemistry or Physics ?

    Well, you could sit your school assessments until midyear or something, and drop whatever you do worse in
  17. Official

    Where can l find the resources page?

    lame, my bos premium is almost over and i barely used those premium resources due to site difficulties. Fail
  18. Official

    Share your 2010 HSC results here

    Accelerated Mathematics, MX1 2 Mathematics 99/100 98/100 99 6 info 1 Mathematics Extension 1 48/50 50/50 49 E4 info GG lads