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  1. Official

    4 Unit Mathematics

    At Fort Street, top 60 out of 120 ish is allowed to do 4u
  2. Official

    What raw mark out of 120 in the 2U Exam translates to Band 4/5/6? (approximately)

    the internal stuff is one of the most fair things that BoS has implemented with regard to the hsc
  3. Official

    What raw mark out of 120 in the 2U Exam translates to Band 4/5/6? (approximately)

    Not really, it wouldn't work like that - as bands are matched up with standards set by a committee, with this year being 94/120 = band 6
  4. Official

    What raw mark out of 120 in the 2U Exam translates to Band 4/5/6? (approximately)

    I know I lost at least 2 marks, and I ended up with a 99 exam mark, so I'm guessing 117-118/120 = 99
  5. Official


  6. Official

    Australian Open Thread

    Shame Nadal lost due to the hamstring injury, but... Ferrer played really well. Unlikely, but I hope Ferrer beats Murray in the Semis
  7. Official

    shit music this decade

    nas and damien marley- distant relatives b.o.b. presents These were awesome, especially distant relatives. Why is eminem - recovery in there?
  8. Official

    Australian Open Thread

    Hopefully Dolgopolov wins... Good win for Clijsters btw, Radwanska put up a good fight in the second set though
  9. Official

    Where are premium resources?

    I know what is happening here. Back in the days, when BOS was actually running properly, there was a program called SAM which was an ATAR calculator, and you had to choose your subjects for input. When you click that button up there, you see resources from the subjects you have chosen but...
  10. Official

    Who else hasn't read their English text?

    Agreed with above. Ever since they changed exam committees back in 2009, it has always been only 1 related text
  11. Official

    Who else hasn't read their English text?

    Finished reading Frankenstein and it was awesome :)
  12. Official

    Shadowdude's Raw Marks

    What I'm trying to say is that 59/120 -> 83 aligned is completely fine, considering the difficulty of the course. However, on top of the 83, if you apply scaling, it becomes overkill. To put it into perspective, getting a 83 (59/120) in 4u maths is equal to getting a 92 in chemistry in terms of...
  13. Official

    Shadowdude's Raw Marks

    wtf mx2 is rigged; bos should do something about this - note coming from a person who does mx2
  14. Official

    is having a tutor important??

    Tutors are overpriced... but helpful
  15. Official

    Economics Resources - by Chromatic

    thanks my good man
  16. Official

    Can someone please explain very carefully and not too long.

    Aye, hence school ranks are goddamn important - especially at a lower ranked school.
  17. Official

    when will the old posts be back??

    All I want is premium resources back up so I can mass print some shiz as my membership runs out sometime during February
  18. Official

    Maths Ext 2?

    Well yes for 3U - which ended up proving to save me. I got 50 for my school mark and 48 for my actual exam mark, hence averaging to 49 lol