I'd think you need a low credit average considering I got into commerce with a mid credit average (70). That is easier said than done though considering the median mark for economic subjects are normally passes. As for courses, go for ECON1001, ECON1002, ECMT1010, ECMT1020. Also go for courses...
Hi guys,
I haven't received my offer letter the for main rounds yet my enrolment day at usyd is coming up. I am sure I got the offer as I received a congratulatory text message and an email both from usyd as well as the fact my UAC offer page clearly states I got into B commerce...
Long story short, I got into Macquarie law with a WAM of 70.
Do you think I would also get into UTS law with the same WAM? I ask because I see Business/Law still has vacancies and I've spotted several problems with going to Macquarie*. Namely, (a) travelling taking 3+ hours a day for me, (b)...
Credit average at least. The usyd person at the admissions counter tell you straight off the bat not to bother if its not at least credit (and that goes for transferring to any course).
Like shadowdude said, get it as high as possible since...what else can you do?
In b4 calls of "nerrrrrrrd", I actually enjoyed the daytime activities more than the night ones. From memory, we had an alice from wonderland theme last year and the parties were fun from the beginning...and only fun at the end if you were drunk (because by then everything seems funny anyways...
Wow. That is a pretty fast change then. The marks for the online portion has always been high but that's only because we text one another the answers the night before the thing closes. And you guys had a 10% written assignment? We just had pages after pages of questions asking for calculation on...
I got in with a 70 WAM. I think if you do better at uni than you did in high school (like me), then they take your uni marks. If its vice versa, then they take 50% uni and 50% HSC (which drops to 25% HSC and 75% uni by the second year).
That being said, economics is somewhat similar to commerce...
I did ECMT1010 a year ago and I remember the tutor telling me right off the bat that you need around a band 5 in 2U maths to cope. Like I said in my other post, I found his evaluation to be fair - you won't need to know 4u content but you do need to know how to differentiate and find stuff like...
Which one has the better job prospects?
I ask because I really have no preference at this point.
I did economics this year and I found business subjects to be mildly interesting. It definitely wasn't a total bore but I don't want to spend the rest of my life drawing graphs either. In terms...
Hi guys,
I was just changing my preferences around for the late round offers when I discovered that I couldn't choose UTS's single law degree (Bachelor of Laws). When I input the course code of 604000 which should be for their full time course in the upcoming March semester (someone please tell...
I don't think you would have made it. I had a friend get 94.7 (!!!) last year and they still turned her down. Commerce is a highly competitive and highly sought after course at usyd. It doesn't help that half of the student cohort comes from an international background either as, remember, they...
'Junior units' are the starter units for your degree in that they don't require prerequisites and are the building blocks for progressively harder units.
In your first year, you will only take junior units. It will be 4 units in the first semester and 4 in the second semester unless you opt...
Have you thought about doing law at macquarie or uts then transferring? I know a double degree at macquarie is only 95...so you may have a chance. That way you won't "waste" a year doing things you don't like and, as long as you get a distinction average, you can start law at usyd next year. And...