Thanks for the response. Hopefully, this will help clarify:
- The two units I did were compulsory for my first degree but not in the one I am transferring to. For example, business subjects are compulsory for a commerce degree but not for an engineering one.
- I am not assuming I would...
Most psych degrees are actually formatted exactly the same as an arts or science degree. However, if you take a plain BA/BSc, you will need to get a distinction average (at least at Usyd) to be considered for honors. If you want to transfer half way (say end of first year), you will need around...
Hi guys,
I've read the GPA/WAM guide located on the top of the page (great job btw!) but still have some more specific questions.
I've done 8 junior units last year but am unhappy about the marks of two of them (low credit). This year, I am doing an entirely new degree. My question is, if I...
MacQ turns 50 this year but last year and the year before it was ranked as #1.
Btw, MacQ also has really good commerce - especially accounting.
@Drifting95 Like I said, it is...
...if you listen to the news, every single industry is saturated.
accountants? saturated.
pharmacists? saturated.
commerce degree? so cookie-cutter.
science degree? generalist.
arts degree? you want fries with that?
The truth is, if you get really good marks, then you'd up end up with a job...
I assume MUPS stands for Macquarie University Psychology Society? I did two junior psyc units and really enjoyed it - is second/third year psyc hard? Is the society fun? When are the meetings? I am seriously considering majoring in psyc for my arts/law degree even though it has nothing to do...
Disagreed. With all respect to uts, I was stuck in the same dilemma and chose macquarie over uts. My reasoning are as follows:
- Macquarie Uni is in the top 10 unis in Australia - it is ranked 9th after the Go8. It is also the best uni under 50 years old etc.
- Macquarie has a pretty...
does it matter what time your session is?
I've been told if you go to the 3pm/4pm ones, all the good lecture/tutorial time slots would already have been taken up.
Hey guys,
The final round offers were handed out today and I got an offer for B. Arts/B. Law at Macquarie. However, I have already accepted a B. Law from the same uni during the early round offers.
Now which one should I drop? Which one would you drop if you were me?
I have nearly done...
Kidnap lecturer and have him sit the exam for you. Duh.
On a more serious note, I prefer laptop for more "wordy" subjects (e.g. sociology or psychology) while pen and paper for more mathematical ones (e.g. statistics or economics). Reasoning is, I can jot down words quickest with a laptop but...
I remembered signing up for 14 (I counted) but ended up only going to like 10 meetings total in the whole year.
Wbu? At what stage does the number of activities you get involved in start to affect other aspects of your university life? I know the answer may vary but what is a good number to...
Hey guys,
What socs are you in? I'm interested in knowing about those which will help my resume, the law society (since I'll be doing law) and other fun options (I heard there is a "WANG" society? :cool:).
But yeah. Kinda spent the first year introverted and trying to adjust to moving out...
Nah. Both of them were self-admitted perfectionists who handed in things three days to a week late because they only wanted to hand in "perfection". They would get a raw HD mark or something in the 80s which eventually gets lowered down to something in the upper 70s...hence the distinction...
Personally, I really like the usyd atmosphere. I love the beautiful campus, the wide range of societies and just the general level of day-to-day activities to no end. It is a very vibrant environment.
However, my review of the arts faculty is not the same.
Even though I know the faculty is...