Yeah, I don't know either mate. I just googled "Macquarie Uni law" and was surprised what I found.
Anyone know if its true though? Kinda freaky if true...
Do very well then apply to transfer. Regardless of WAM, I cannot see usyd saying "no" to you if you hold a HD or even a distinction average in the 80s. I think usyd takes in 50% WAM 50% ATAR if your ATAR is superior to your WAM, otherwise they base their decision more on your WAM.
Which is...
I agree but it may be too late as check & change for final rounds are now closed.
If I were TS, I'd do UWS Commerce then transfer to Commerce/Arts at Usyd. People already at Usyd has absolutely no advantage when transferring from the faculty of arts to the faculty of business since it is done...
First of all, I am sorry to hear about your situation. Please only take this as constructive criticism.
I am going to be honest here - your atar is your fault. A person who cannot even force him/herself to do something they don't like for an hour deserves to fail. Yes, I know you probably...
I don't think it really matters. Just remember to disenrol from the main round offer before census date and to enrol for your late round offer next week.
search up the degree name and see what units you have to do to graduate. see if they can be done with an arts/social science degree. if not, then they'd have to be redone.
usually, if the course is around 95~ (commerce), you need a >70 average score. which sounds easy until you realise 75 is...
Hey guys,
I'm currently debating between law (major in commerce law) or commerce at usyd. Lately I've been browsing threads to get some information on the two. One thing that stuck out to me about MacQ law was that the faculty seems to be weakening? I'm not trying to bash the uni or the faculty...
I am thinking of finance/economics as well since I find econometrics (ECMT1020) semi-difficult.
Btw, what do people think of majoring in commerce law, management or marketing btw? They seem to require less mathematics but I heard the prospects aren't too great.
This is only for the commerce program in usyd but commerce is mostly mathematics. Its really different than high school -whereupon its mainly memorization for economics in years 11/12, its really much more graphs and calculations at uni. For example, first semester is normally comprised of...
I didn't do commerce but I did similar finance/economic subjects. Generally speaking, pen and pencils for lectures are better as you have to draw down graphs (some of which aren't included in the slides) and so on. Also, mathematical equations are also easier to write down that way. '...
However, they also likely to be highly competitive. I heard from a friend that commerce at unsw/usyd rises to 99 after the main round because it only has very few spaces left (it isn't listed as having "vacancies" either). That being said, you'd still get in if you get like 99.95 :P