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  1. H

    Does USyd have o-camp?

    there is an arts camp.
  2. H

    Can we pick up access cards on O-Week?

    It will be possible. You get the card after your photo is taken and it is printed. Takes around 5 minutes (excluding the time you wait in line).
  3. H

    Laptops for Uni

    Re: Laptops for university Maybe its Usyd, but I noticed a lot of people carrying around Macbook airs last year. As for laptop functions, unless you are doing design or something special, you will only need microsoft word (to take notes in) and firefox/chrome/explorer. Choose a small-ish...
  4. H

    Math content in econ1001/1002

    Like someone said, all you really need in terms of mathematical knowledge is how to find the interception point of various lines. The hard part is figuring out which graph to use and what the actual demand/supply formulas are. Its all basic adding and subtracting but that doesn't mean its easy...
  5. H


    Choose societies which only have meetings once a week then join one sports club (maybe one that trains in the sports & acquatic centre so you can go there directly after class or when you have a break). What are you interests? There are more leadership opportunities with societies but sports...
  6. H

    How mathematical is a double major in finance/economics?

    Hi guys, Does anyone know how much calculations would be involved if I choose to major in finance & economics? I've done first year economics (as well as first year econometrics) and while the maths wasn't really maths (more like understanding economic models) a fair amount of calculations and...
  7. H

    Has anyone here done...?

    POL101, POL108, POL206 or POL207? How did you find it in terms of interest/relevancy to degree/difficulty? I am doing these units this year and would greatly appreciate it if you could give me a quick rundown!
  8. H

    Can I get a quick answer to this please?

    I don't think so. Just email the enrollment team leader Steve to make an alternate appointment (next term). His email is
  9. H

    What will happen to my WAM?

    Thanks for the response. If I transfer back to the first university (my end goal), will my reset-ed WAM be calculated or will my previous WAM be calculated as well?
  10. H

    What will happen to my WAM?

    Hi guys, I have two scenarios for you. Please help as this will influence on my final course choice (though I've enrolled in both). (a) Bachelor of Resource Economics -> Bachelor of Commerce Same university but different course. Will be applying for exemption for 5 subjects. Will my WAM...
  11. H

    Arts & Human Sciences Subject Review Thread

    I wonder how this unit is counted towards GPA. Is it a 100 or a 0 :P
  12. H

    What is the global leadership program?

    oh cool thanks! can you join if you are a new student? I tried to register but I haven't gotten my OneID yet (still haven't enrolled lol)
  13. H

    What is the global leadership program?

    Hi, I read a little blurb about the program when I was flipping through the MQ leaflets. Is anyone here in it? If you are, do you think its worth doing and what are the entry requirements (apart from being a MQ student)?
  14. H

    Usyd to Mac?

    PM'd you cheekoo :) Yeah, that's the first thing I notice too. Loads of trees and space!
  15. H


    Economics isn't easy and heaps of people want to transfer into law. Chances are, if you do everything in two days, you won't be motivated the next five days. What are you planning to do for the remaining week? if its study, then that's great. However, I know people who have like four day...
  16. H

    Timetable question

    Afaik, you can make customization to it all throughout semester. However, you won't be able to get into certain tutorials/lectures once they are fully booked so the customization options will decrease as time goes by...
  17. H

    Usyd to Mac?

    lol @ the people at usyd banging on about the "prestige" factor (especially since most tend to be arts students or people who barely got in). btw, what subject you doing? I am transferring from usyd to mac as well (so together, we can critique mac students in our indie flannel shirts :tongue:)
  18. H

    Hard to open your own sports society?

    MQ. I heard Tokyo had a really good club though :(
  19. H

    Hard to open your own sports society?

    Hey guys, I've been doing judo for a couple of years now and really want to open a club there at my university. I know for a regular club, you only need fifteen people to agree with your idea then its all good. How about for a sports club though? Same requirement? Do you have to buy insurance...
  20. H

    Question about GPA/WAM

    Why is it not a good look? I would tell the employer I had family problems during my HSC year, had to live on my own in 2013 but didn't give up and eventually got into MQ with a scholarship. Then, hopefully, I'll get to add that I made my way back into the best university doing one of its...