Re: Changes of me getting in?
Quick update and to close thread: long story short, I got in.
Thanks for the support during 2012 guys and, even though Applied Finance/Commerce at MacQ isn't my first choice (still hoping for Commerce at Usyd/NSW), its nice to know I'm going to uni and to study...
I got Applied Finance + Commerce at MacQ.
I got a quick question though- finance + commerce was my #4 preference and it was (strangely) offered on the 14th instead of the 16th. Does it mean I will still get an offer tonight and will not enrolling in it now mean it can "expire" in 10 minutes?
Hey guys,
As you probably know, main round offers come out tomorrow so I'm getting all jittery now. I'm anxious because the course I want to get into had an atar cut-off of 88.2 for last year but I only got 87.25.
What are the chances I'll get in tomorrow or in the late/final rounds?
Please elaborate? Cos what I have been hearing is that, for example, if I got an ATAR of 68 (which I did NOT) but the course I want to get into had a cut-off mark of 75 last year then the uni ranking system will still consider me to have 73? In other words, if the cut-off dropped by 2 marks or...
The course I really want to enrol in is 3 marks higher than my atar + any bonus points I'll get. Meanwhile, the second course I want to get into is 2.85 marks away though I can apply for the flexibly entry scheme at usyd.
Should I even bother putting them down?
Hey all,
I was wondering if the bonus points for a bachelor of economics at unsw and usyd stack up? The reason why I am asking is because I am an applicant of EAS (5 bonus marks) as well as being eligible for bonus points (another 4) for doing well in EX1/Eng Adv/2U maths.
Another semi-related...
Cut-off was 85.1 last year. My predicted atar (with 1 bonus mark from 3u eng) is 84.65. The difference between the two is barely 0.4. my dream still do-able? Maybe in the second or third round of invitations maybe?
I never passed a single 2u maths exam while in school (my school was in the top 50 though) and managed to get 75 today (still nothing to be proud of though).
My maths teacher used to tell us that by having a raw mark of above 50 (so, a pass) overall already translates to a band 4.
The person didn't do case study since they didn't even attempt section 4.
Anyways yeah I am tired (and have 3u english soon) and I agree with your last statement.
No they are not. One is said with absolution while the other is not. One is to "prevent" , the other is implying to "stop with certainty".
I am having dinner now and I think we would have to agree to disagree. All I am saying is that I know people who answered both question 25 and 26 (i.e. both...
Good school = better teachers or at least a better cohort. Also, I thought your teacher said "no case study prevents you from getting a good band" and not "if you don't put one in you get a C.
Either way, my 2u maths teacher is a marker and he says, at the end of the day, the markers all sit...
My teacher said it was like forgetting to write about a certain topic. He told us to think of it like forgetting to comment on operations if the response asked you to comment on operations, marketing and human resources.
My teacher agrees with the first poster- 15 or 16 MAX.
I don't know if...
I just said "chosen image: shoes on the grass"
I dont' think it matters long as they can tell that your story links to any of the five that is...