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  1. haboozin

    Need help plz

    omg so easy... so stupid of me.. bellow listen to Templar not me :P
  2. haboozin

    Independent trials 2005 Q5.c)i)

    post the question up
  3. haboozin

    Need help plz

    the question said deduce... so there has to be an easier way to do this using the question before it... ie .... let lx = a etc or something but i cant see it, sorry.
  4. haboozin

    Need help plz

    yea consider this: a^2 + b^2 >= 2ab a^2 -2ab + b^2 >= 0 ... (a-b)^2 >=0 true since anything squared is >=0 now concider these three (1) a^2 + b^2 >= 2ab (2) b^2 + c^2 >= 2bc (3) c^2 + a^2 >= 2ac now add 1, 2, 3 together 2a^2 + 2b^2 + 2c^2 >= 2ab + 2ac + 2bc...
  5. haboozin

    Need help plz

    1. expand, factorize you get 2xmy + 2lxnz + 2mynz <= y^2l^2 + z^2l^2 + m^2x^2 + m^2z^2 + n^2x^2 + n^2y^ what do you see? whole lots of factorization 0<= (yl -mx)^2 + (zl - nx)^2 + (mz - ny)^2 since l, m, n, x, y, z are positive numbers and are real (has to be or otherwize its not in...
  6. haboozin

    2004 HSC needed!

    hey, this is so gay i hate this awaiting copyright Clearance bullshit.. If they could get copyright to put it on the hsc exam, they should have it for the website... I need PAGE 20 of 2004 HSC please.. or just like can someone scan me the last box for the exam... the 4 mark question...
  7. haboozin

    Timing in the MX2 exam

    1993 was all like uni maths problems, but explained. Henderson had probably already started on those questions so they looked generic to him...
  8. haboozin

    Timing in the MX2 exam

    yea i agree with 2000... that was sooo bad i couldn't do so much probably would have got what Rench got. But i think 2003 wasnt that bad. If we are going from difficualty from 1993 to 2004 top 4 most difficault would be: 1993 1994 2000 2003 i think 1995-1999 are all the same...
  9. haboozin

    Who's the YOUNGEST 2005 HSC Student in here?

    Well this girl has been doing the HSC since yr 7 so i guess you can call her the youngest. I think she's already completed 10 units (or more) just needs english, her uai will be 100.. she doenst have a TV haha.. She used to go to Abbotsleigh but now she goes to JRAH her name's...
  10. haboozin

    prob q hard!

    just an answer, i donno where from, my friend just gave me this probability question that she couldn't do and i sucked at it n this guy posted it up..
  11. haboozin

    prob q hard!

    guys clam down.... <b>answer is 2/7</b> Speed2 got it first i think..
  12. haboozin

    prob q hard!

    Klaw was close... if i give the answer then u'll easily think of a way of producing it.. if your answer wasnt kinda like Klaws then its wrong. oh and im not sure how its done sorry
  13. haboozin

    Integration question

    x = u^2 + 1 x' = 2u so I = 2/(U^2 + 1)^2 du u = tan@ u' = sec^2 @ I = 2sec^2@/(tan^2@ + 1)^2 d@ tan^2@ + 1 = sec^2@ so I = 2sec^2@/sec^4Q I = 2cos^2@ d@ I = 1 + cos2@ d@ @ + 1/2sin@cos@ + c tan^-1 srt(x - 1) + Srt(x - 1)/x + c if you dont get the last part... draw...
  14. haboozin

    prob q hard!

    sorry wrong.... .........................
  15. haboozin

    1993 hsc solutions

    success one has 1987 - 2004 or if u have a specific quesiton you can prob ask
  16. haboozin

    Challenging probability question

    A fair coin is to be tossed repeatedly. For integers r and s, not both zero, let P(r,s) be the probability that a total of r heads are tossed before a total of s tails are tossedso that P(0,1) = 1 and P(1,0) = 0. (i) Explain why, for r, s≥1, P(r,s)=½P(r-1,s)+½P(r,s-1). first one...
  17. haboozin

    Binomial sucks

    I think because of the name of the thread you are thinking a little too hard haha... theres no need to differentiate? the questions already answered.... by letting x = 1
  18. haboozin

    prob q hard!

    sorry that is not the right answer
  19. haboozin

    raw --> final marks

    thats actually the only right fact we know and its correct. It was acmillan's mark. Anyways, 50-60/84 would definatly be a band 5 i would think. wouldn't these marks get scaled... so 48/50 could have been 95/100 or 96/100 so he could have been on the lower end of 48 (not saying...
  20. haboozin

    Past HSC Q8.

    isn't that from like 1982 hsc... wow so old more than 20 yrs didnt they make 4unit easier after that year.