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  1. haboozin

    Complex Locus Fun

    that wouldn't be possible because there is only 2 solutions. you have given us infinite solutions for K. just draw the two things... then you would almost definatly see that when k = 1 it touches it once... and if u think a little you will notice that there is a second bigger circle...
  2. haboozin

    Complex Locus Fun

    yea i missed the k= 5 when i did it :'(
  3. haboozin

    Complex Locus Fun

    yea anyway u want..
  4. haboozin

    Complex Locus Fun

    I think this question was pretty tricky... Determine the values of K for which the simultaneous euqations: |Z - (3 + 2i)| = 2 and |z - 2i| = k have exactly one solution for z. dont need to do working, i just thought it was tricky... see what you get.
  5. haboozin

    the parametrics animal

    what happened to a? in that locus? i get 3x^2 = 4ay maybe a = 1?
  6. haboozin

    the parametrics animal

    i dont get it? P is on that parabola.. its tangent cuts the same parabola 3 times? but a tangent is only ment to cut its equation once, by definition.
  7. haboozin

    Another one

    derivative = 0 then put in any value for x and get the constant value...
  8. haboozin


    f' = 5pi cos pit/2 f'' = -5/2pi^2 sinpit/2 f''(t) = -pi/2^2f(x)
  9. haboozin

    Circle Geometry

    part b is below part c... or u mean u cant get the answer? even if you cant get it, the inequality is there for u to use.
  10. haboozin

    Circle Geometry

    oh man i just did a question with that diagram in it (Q2).. you guys can have a go too... im had no chance with III.
  11. haboozin

    4u Math Cram Technique! [To get 100+/120]

    i dont think getting more than 100/120 is possible without fully understanding the work done.
  12. haboozin

    Band 3 cut off

    band 5? but it depends how good 1-5 is..? if ur getting over 90, then band 6 would be possible. ...........
  13. haboozin

    Band 3 cut off

    eg: is your rank: 94/100 or like 190/200 or 47/50 then you have the possibility of getting band 2-1 Especially if your marks are <30% for your exams.
  14. haboozin

    Band 3 cut off

    are u in the bottom 10% in the course at ur school? (sorry you have to think of 3u ppl too. and ur school is pretty average..? your marks are about 30-40%? more to 30%.. If non of those apply to you ... you will get at least at band 3.
  15. haboozin

    ?/120 is good for an 80+?

    But people who've got 100%ile in different sections have got 80 as a raw mark for it.. so 240 would be the maximum UMAT score? he may have just added his percentiles..
  16. haboozin


    1 + x + x^2 + x^3... + x^n ln1 + lnx + lnx^2 + lnx^3 + ...+ lnx^n lnx + 2lnx + 3lnx + ... + n lnx now as you see with Jago's method 3lnx - 2lnx = lnx 2lnx - lnx = lnx therefore its in AP So you see he was right... just because the question is in a certain way doesnt...
  17. haboozin

    Raw Marks

    depends how your school marked your paper... but i would say uwould be band 6 material.
  18. haboozin

    probability Qs plz help!!

    because he wrote 4 paths instead of 3... theres 3 paths but 4 stages
  19. haboozin


    hey, why are people still having a cry over this. I am positive the answer is 1/365. and is given by the formula 1 - 365pn/365^n (for any values of n) it was even in one of the questions in cambridge i think. Also it was even on tv 10 .. tuesday 8:30 .. that brainazoid thing...
  20. haboozin

    ?/120 is good for an 80+?

    well sister got 97 in 3unit and 93 in 4unit but another guy in the class got 97 in 3unit and 98 in 4unit.