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  1. Amleops

    Difference between mblg1001 & mblg1901

    Might want to check this with someone who has done the subject though.
  2. Amleops


    You'd just add the unit as per normal in MyUni Enrolment Variations. It should allow you to add up to 36 credit points in one semester (although you'd probably be killing yourself if you do). And yeah, if you've done 24 credit points this semester and 24 next semester not including MATH1004...
  3. Amleops


    You can do more than 24 credit points in one semester. The only restrictions you'd have to look out for is if you are in the Advanced or Advanced Mathematics stream, in which case you can only do 48 credit points of junior subjects.
  4. Amleops

    what to pick for UNI

    All knowledge is helpful knowledge. If you're interested in commerce, do that, or if you are more interested in project management, do that. Whatever you find more interesting. As for universities it's best for you to go to open days and make those decisions for yourself.
  5. Amleops

    Maths needed for BMedSc

    It shouldn't be too difficult for you. Having done General Maths your first semester maths units would be MATH1111 (which is meant for General students) and MATH1015 (which has 2U Maths as assumed knowledge, but I think you will find that a lot of the stuff you learn in MATH1111 will supplement...
  6. Amleops


    Re: PHYS1500 or WRIT1001 Hmmm OK let's see PROS - Interesting content, laboratory sessions were very well organised and interesting (lab exam was pretty straightforward too), engaging lecturers, night viewing session was fantastic (even better if there wasn't as many clouds) CONS - Lots of...
  7. Amleops

    quick question regarding transferring courses

    Yes. Assuming your academic record is up to their standards.
  8. Amleops


    Re: PHYS1500 or WRIT1001 It's not particularly difficult content, there's just a lot of it. If you are up to date with all the work and regularly revise, then you should get a good mark. The workload is definitely manageable regardless of what your other subjects are, you just need to be...
  9. Amleops


    Re: PHYS1500 or WRIT1001 PHYS1500 might help you with some of GAMSAT, but on the whole it is more of a general knowledge subject (there are some physics concepts discussed but not in too much detail). PHYS1500 is a very interesting subject, however, there is a LOT of content that you need to...
  10. Amleops

    Is merewether business school open on saturday?

    The building might be open, but I doubt the coordinators are there.
  11. Amleops

    Is merewether business school open on saturday?

    If you mean the Student Information Office then no they are not.
  12. Amleops

    Commerce/Science? I want to be a doctor.

    Commerce/Science at USYD is very good, I would highly recommend it. Yeah you can fit in 4 majors, I was intending to do that, was probably going to major in Finance, Mathematics/Statistics and something else. Hours really depends on what units you take. More commerce subjects in a semester...
  13. Amleops

    Credit for UNSW Commerce subjects already completed?

    While this is no guarantee, I'm pretty certain that you should get credit for BUSS1040, BUSS1030 and BUSS1020 respectively (in the order you have put them in). So if you transfer, the only compulsory first year units you will need to do are BUSS1001 and BUSS1002.
  14. Amleops

    University deregulation beginning 2016 (2014 budget)

    Hmmm OK, I could go on but I think I'll leave it there. The fact that I'm not really convincing anyone makes me think that if the political philosophy I believe in is correct than I must be missing something. I'll have to do more research. Still not entirely sold on all of your points but...
  15. Amleops

    Uni students!

    Done. Good luck with your thesis :).
  16. Amleops

    University deregulation beginning 2016 (2014 budget)

    Then surely the increased funding brought by the deregulation of uni fees would allow us to keep those brightest minds? We would therefore be able to have better teachers. I would call into question your point that most people can self teach themselves as a bit of a generalisation; I would...
  17. Amleops

    University deregulation beginning 2016 (2014 budget)

    I don't pretend to be an expert on what type of costs would be involved. Perhaps you can give me a better picture of what types of costs we would expect to see. But I would imagine if this were the case, then starting up a university would just be a project mainly restricted to wealthy...
  18. Amleops

    University deregulation beginning 2016 (2014 budget)

    I recognise I put a lot of effort into arguing my point; this is an area of discussion which I have recently taken a big interest in, and while I think that I know quite a bit I am still only just formulating my own views on the issue. While I appreciate the counterarguments that have been...
  19. Amleops

    University deregulation beginning 2016 (2014 budget)

    I agree, they do have a huge focus on research. All I'm saying is that it can't come at the neglect of the teaching; students would be their main source of revenue, and they wouldn't want to jeopardise giving other universities any sort of competitive advantage (if they can help it), which would...
  20. Amleops

    University deregulation beginning 2016 (2014 budget)

    It would still open up more job opportunities for them even if it isn't affecting their undergraduate degree. Plus I thought more universities were leaning towards a Doctor of Medicine now, which is more research based? In any case, they would definitely benefit from an increase in the activity...