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  1. Absolutezero

    Time away from things can be lovely. I'm thinking of dropping one of my projects at the moment...

    Time away from things can be lovely. I'm thinking of dropping one of my projects at the moment, and it'll be sad to see it go, but it'll be a load off my shoulders if I do.
  2. Absolutezero

    We're coming up to the launch of our new theatre season, so busy times ahead. Currently in a new...

    We're coming up to the launch of our new theatre season, so busy times ahead. Currently in a new relationship. Directing one of my shows next month. Keeping busy, keeping out of trouble. How's your hiatus been?
  3. Absolutezero

    Really bad creative

    Need to show link between the technique and the meaning. How does the technique achieve the meaning? ^Hint, that's where you get your marks.
  4. Absolutezero

    We miss you terribly.

    We miss you terribly.
  5. Absolutezero
  6. Absolutezero

    Really bad creative

    So what's stopping you from fixing it?
  7. Absolutezero

    Creative Question

    (protip: i used AIDS FUCKERS in my essay. topped the class.)
  8. Absolutezero

    Creative Question

    If you need it, use it.
  9. Absolutezero

    Creative Writing

    They can specify a particular type of writing. If they don't, it's whatever you choose.
  10. Absolutezero

    this is confusing

    ask them
  11. Absolutezero

    Future Thread: English Paper 1

    dis is y we have non-school
  12. Absolutezero

    #Virus @BoS

    Oi. Take it to non-school.
  13. Absolutezero

    How long did it take you to come out of the closet?

    Yeah, this is correct going back as far as I can remember. Maybe way back (but I don't think so), but you'd need to speak to the few from back them for confirmation.
  14. Absolutezero

    The Complete Literary Technique List

    There is a visual/audio list in the works, but that still needs some more writing. But that also means some of the techniques that get mentioned will fall under that list.
  15. Absolutezero

    The Complete Literary Technique List

    Keep 'em coming. It's been proofed (to an extent), but there was no way everything was going to be correct on the first publish.
  16. Absolutezero

    The Complete Literary Technique List

    Them multiple commitments bro
  17. Absolutezero

    The Complete Literary Technique List

    Credit to LoveHateSchool and a whole host of other old school BOSers for their direct and indirect input into this.
  18. Absolutezero

    The Complete Literary Technique List

    I was working on it.
  19. Absolutezero

    The Complete Literary Technique List

    Abstract Language - Language describing ideas and qualities rather than observable or specific things, people, or places. Acronym - Using the first letter of each word in a long name to represent the name pronounced as a word. Active Verb - The subject of the sentence carries action of...