Time away from things can be lovely. I'm thinking of dropping one of my projects at the moment, and it'll be sad to see it go, but it'll be a load off my shoulders if I do.
We're coming up to the launch of our new theatre season, so busy times ahead. Currently in a new relationship. Directing one of my shows next month. Keeping busy, keeping out of trouble.
How's your hiatus been?
Yeah, this is correct going back as far as I can remember. Maybe way back (but I don't think so), but you'd need to speak to the few from back them for confirmation.
There is a visual/audio list in the works, but that still needs some more writing. But that also means some of the techniques that get mentioned will fall under that list.
Abstract Language - Language describing ideas and qualities rather than observable or specific things, people, or places.
Acronym - Using the first letter of each word in a long name to represent the name pronounced as a word.
Active Verb - The subject of the sentence carries action of...