Be careful with redundant repetition. Your first paragraph sounds nice; but could basically be condensed to 1-2 lines.
Your bartender doesn't quite make sense. He's stayed up late, there's a commitment to the job. But he doesn't know the drinks names?
"“They’ll be gone soon,” the bartender...
I would avoid other symbols for English responses. Short form etc., e.g. and i.e. are ok though.
Ampersand '&' shouldn't be used as a replacement for 'and', but you won't actually lose marks for using it.
As long as you write it in full in the intro, you're fine.
So in the intro, write:
Peter Skrznecki (PS)
And you're set to us PS for the rest of the essay.
Well, the writing/directing stuff isn't actually a part of the job. It's just something I'm doing on the side. But still, same industry as the job.
I have to read the papers every day for work. I wouldn't say I'm well acquainted with the news though.
Not really. If I drop it, I'm out. I suppose I could return, but it'd be a bit strange.
I finished my play about this:
Which turned out ok. I've got a bunch of...