Search results

  1. Absolutezero

    Hsc drama ip monologue; indecisive

    The Beckett is by far the best piece, but it's also the hardest to perform. All things equal, that's the one to go with, but given the circumstances, the Sweeney Todd is the safer option. I'd skip the Les Mis altogether.
  2. Absolutezero

    Someone stole my P-plate!

    Missing P plates have happened to everyone always forever.
  3. Absolutezero

    technique shakespeare

    Also, it's not a matter of just listing a quote and a technique. You need to state how the technique in the quote creates the idea that you're discussing.
  4. Absolutezero

    Discovery - Music Video ?

    Yes, but you need to look at the musical structure itself as well. Not just the lyrics and the visuals.
  5. Absolutezero

    Casual Friday in investment banks?

    You may like this kind of bank.
  6. Absolutezero

    Where is the school dux now?

    preggers in a ditch. nah, shes like a doctor or something
  7. Absolutezero

    help!! i need some info on the removalist

    Not in 2007 we didn't :)
  8. Absolutezero

    The Complete Literary Technique List
  9. Absolutezero

    Film Technique & Effect List

    To clarify, there is one for this; I just haven't organised it yet. Text dump. Visual 1 shots - are used to describe shots framing one person. Similarly, is 2 shot and 3 shot for the respective number of people A Roll - *the main shot in an interview or documentary Aerial perspective - the...
  10. Absolutezero

    Imaginative Response (Help)

    It's saying it's only relevant to a particular time and place. You disagree by saying it's still got as much meaning now as it did then.
  11. Absolutezero


    Isn't charity about giving rather than taking?
  12. Absolutezero

    I am creative writing blocked ,Help!!!!!!

    How about a carrot that gets all embarrassed because he saw the salad dressing.
  13. Absolutezero

    The official friendzone anthem

    We wrote a friendzone song in non-school ages ago. I've got it recorded somewhere.