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  1. J

    4 Unit English

    I'm at least gonna try it - I mean, why not? I won't lose anything for trying :p I'm either doing a radio play, are an essay on the concept of death of the author.
  2. J

    to drop or not to drop??AHHH

    I'd say drop down to general in maths, see how you go, then if you're still not coping with chem say, at the end of t1 next year, drop it. A friend of mine recently went form advanced maths to general, and she finds it incredibly easy, so it may ease the strain.
  3. J


    >.> <.< *bumps*
  4. J

    what are you dropping?

    If the only reason you're keeping CFS is for the baby thing, drop it. I'm ditching chem. It's crap :/
  5. J

    Tough Subjects for HSC 2009

    Why is everyone saying you need 4 subjects? We've ALWAYS been told three. I'm intending to do something similar to you, except I'm keeping an extra 2 unit subject just in case. I'm going for 4U english, 4U maths, physics and music. I reckon you should keep an extra to be safe, but if you're...
  6. J

    10 minute speech

    10 minutes is nothing.
  7. J

    English EXT

    Wow. That's an awesome set. Our class did Beowulf, we're doing 1984, and... I'm not sure what else we did. We've looked at a lot of theory-style stuff, like post structuralism, feminism etc...
  8. J

    Your Top/worst Subject?

    Best subject in marks is Music. Best subject in rank is tied for Maths ext 1 and Music. Worst... I think is chemistry. In marks and rank. My chemistry teacher makes it incredibly unenjoyable and so I have trouble learning the info :/
  9. J

    Subjects- 13 units??

    I really don't think that's a good idea, at least to start with. I think you should defintely keep both bio and maths, at least until the start of '09. Then you can evaluate how you're going, and if you're not coping, make the decision then. However, f you're determined to drop one now, I would...
  10. J

    Subject query

    If you attended a public school, then yes, he would be allowed to drop it, and if the teachers said no, then he could take it to the DET. However, you said that you're at a private school, which changeas things. I've always been in public education, so I'm not 100% on this, but I have friends at...
  11. J


    *shrug* it didn't make me feel depressed or anything. I kind of agree wth what the party were doing, or at least I would if it were possible to prevent anyone from needing the room 101 treatment.
  12. J


    Hey guys :) I'm working n a 20 minute seminar based on George Orwell's 1984. My seminar is based on the ide (and the reality) of doublethink. For those of you who haven't read the novel, doublethink is the ability to hold two contradictory beliefs in one's mind at the same time, and believe...
  13. J

    Rate the use of technology at your school.

    Well, I thought our school was half decent until I read this thread. I'd never even heard of a smartboard til this thread (had to google it). This year I haven't had a single lesson on a computer. (most of) Our teachers use enough paper to make a rainforest. It's ridiculous. I agree with what...
  14. J

    Film Tv and Radio assessment

    Our year 11 music class has a musicology assignment on Film, Tv and Radio due in this week. It's a 3 minute speech, I was thinking of doing it on "Moulin Rouge" and it's music... I've been bugging the teacher for about a month for an assesment sheet, so I actually know what to do, but he hasn't...