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  1. J

    Major Projects for yr12

    EE2 ftw. i'm loving it so far ^^
  2. J

    Physics or Chemistry??

    I dunno. Personally, I way prefer physics. My mind is suited more towards concepts and applying them, whereas chemistry seems (to me) to be more content...
  3. J

    Best directors :)

    I gotta agree with the OP. Baz Luhrmann and Tim Burton are equally amazing, depending on my mood. Moulin Rouge and Nightmare Before Christmas are my favourite movies of all time.
  4. J

    crapping urself?

    Was the exam today, or tomorrow? If it was today, how d'yall think you went? If it's tomorrow, then good luck... Augh not looking forward to this time next year :S
  5. J

    Free school travel axed

    We would if we could afford to. We buy what's neccesary. Sorry we don't earn as much as some people and can't afford this, but just so you know, $800 is a hell of a lot for some people, not everyone's family earns 50K +
  6. J

    Free school travel axed

    Hey, hey, hey, y'know what? Fuck you. My mother work 40 hours a week in a childcare centre, which pays shit-all, even though with two degrees and a tafe diploma she's the highest qualified person there. She's getting yet another qualification to be able to teach adults so she maybe gets paid a...
  7. J

    Free school travel axed

    I dunno how we're gonna cope. Our family can't afford $800 for us to go to school. It's ridiculous :(
  8. J

    What do you feel when you drop a subject?

    I felt great. I'd wanted to drop chemistry for most of the prelim course - our techer was a total bitch, saying things to students like "you shouldn't be in this class" and stuff, really bringing down the class morale. Only 8 out of 23 people even passed the yearly, which I really think is a...
  9. J

    living without a father

    I've lived with mum since I was 6. I have no siblings, so me and mum are pretty close. I think that if anything it's been a positive influence because mum has been my role model, and she's independant, strong willed, and hardworking. I admire her heaps, whilst I really only pity dad - his life...
  10. J

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    Re: Year 12 Jerseys We got ours middle of term 2 :p mine says "divided by zero"
  11. J

    How are those timetables coming along?

    What are these timetables of which you speak?
  12. J

    Study Discussion

    Re: Write notes or type notes ? I do all my work on my laptop. I've got one of the netbooks that are half the size of a normal one so that I can access all my info anywhere. I'm getting a spare battery too, so that it'll last a full school day.
  13. J

    Did anyone else bludge through the entire of Year 11?

    That's my exact philosophy. The deputy was preaching to me, so I told her that, and she then quoted me to the rest of the grade and went on about how misguided I am. Teachers are so full of themselves :/ But yeah, I bludged. Failed chemistry (dropped it), 65%sh in physics, 75%ish in music (and...
  14. J

    Political Satrire Skits?

    Hai guise. :wave: I've got an idea of what I want to do for my major work, but I want some other opinions on it... What d'you guys think of a script for a series of 3-5 minute stairical skits based abround the differences between the American and Australian elections? Things to do with the...
  15. J

    Bestiality in Australia

    Personally, I don't think bestiality should be outlawed. Some forms of it are a ittle disturbing (actually, all forms are really) but as long as the animal isn't being hurt by it I see no problem. The people who are comparing bestiality with pedophilia are off their tree. A child does not...
  16. J

    How many units?

    Probably 12, so that I can drop something if I need to.
  17. J

    What's your fav subject so far?

    Well... usually My fave would be ext english... but for this term we have the freakin best music teacher ever. So (at present) my subjects would go Music, ext1en, maths + physics, adv en... dun dun dun chem >P
  18. J

    A hint for those of you using Firefox

    Hey guys, I discovered this little firefox addon that is REALLY useful to me, and I thought I better share it with all you firefox users out there. It's like an internet highlighter, called Wired-Marker. Basically, once you install the addon, say you're looking at a related text for your...
  19. J

    Your yr 11 eng AoS

    ... I love Shakespeare, but Othello sucked balls. Looking forward to next year though - we're doing Hamlet and it's my favourite ever. Might have something to do with Brendan Cowell's performance of it in the bell shakespeare performace of it, but oh well... But yeah, this year we did change...
  20. J

    is it too late?

    O.o; In our school, we're not allowed to change classes after week 3 term 1 of year 11 :o