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  1. J

    Bachelor of Computer Science

    Hay guys. I'm considering doing a degree in Computer Science, and I want to go to uni in Melbourne... I'm not sure exactly what area (probably gaming systems or programming) but I was wondering what unis are good in that sort of area. Anyone care to share their opinions with a confused year...
  2. J


    lie. I've had one last for eighteen months- and he moved in.
  3. J

    Omfg i f*cked up my assessments

    Only thing is that anyone who starts one will immediately get "OMG STOP BRAGGING MAKIN USZ FEEL BAD"
  4. J


    I'm inclined to see it, just cause it's called pi
  5. J

    Results- How are you going?

    Eh. Okay. Adv En:about 14th, not sure of my marks MX1: 9/26 not sure of marks MX2: 4/8 around 75% Physics: only had half yearlys so far, so nfi. guessing about 7 out of 14 Music: 80%, 2/4
  6. J

    Population Control ?

    Fuel can (and would have to) be rationed, but it was also addressed in the article... I think there was enough to run stuff for about 72 hours? That may have been something else, can't remember exactly, and am too lazy to find it. How will the power get from the wind/solar farms to the hospitals...
  7. J

    Math trick

    haha. neat :)
  8. J

    Population Control ?

    Fromthe article online and the stuff in the magazines, it's the transformers at the substations. I've read a few follow up articles- the introduction is kinda... sensationalist, but the rest is dead serious.
  9. J

    Population Control ?

    Dang. Not gonna bee seeing that. Also, as it says in the links, there are a very few spare transformers, but they need to be replaced rather than fixed, and there aren't enough spares. It would take a minimum of 12 months to make even a few. Generators require fuel to run. fuel needs to be...
  10. J

    Population Control ?

    Well, it is basically what I said. I gave a VERY compacted summary, but I basically asserted that it could fuck up the electricity of whole nations, which would stop other shit. Is Knowing any good? I mean, it sounds like another "Day After Tomorrow" or whatever it was called... kinda crap...
  11. J

    Population Control ?

    Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe - space - 23 March 2009 - New Scientist Major solar storm could cause lasting damage - space - 12 January 2009 - New Scientist How to survive the coming century - environment - 25 February 2009 - New Scientist NS is my personal favourite for these...
  12. J

    Population Control ?

    Well, scientifically speaking, our population is probably going to be reduced from an outside source anyway. We're getting unnervingly close to the tipping point of a runaway greenhouse effect, which would cause crop failiures etc etc and ultimately result in 80-90% of the world's populatoin...
  13. J

    plans for this 'holidays'!

    This weekend, National Folk Festival down in Canberra. After that, physics assignment, liiiiiittle bit of maths revision, else... making jewelery, shopping, and I'm hoping to get a chance to set up a server on an old PC so I have access to whatever I want from school, since my laptop only has a...
  14. J

    What are YOUR privileges for being a senior at YOUR school?

    Eh. Fairly regular ones. - If you don't have a class, you can go home from lunch on a Thursday - Free periods - Flexible attendance (ie if you have free periods first or last you can sign in late/sign out early) Uh... That's about it. Teachers are nice to us, and more lenient in regards...
  15. J

    What do u do if ur friend cheats?

    I was hoping someone was going to say this :) 4chan?
  16. J

    Electives and Pieces for 09?

    So you 09ers, I want to know who's doing what for their HSC. Have you chosen your piece/s? What are your electives? I've chosen to do two performances and a composition task. I play guitar, and am going to play Leyenda by Issac Albeniz for Instrument and it's Repetiore, Funky Tonight by the...
  17. J

    Argh- need to know

    Well, our music teacher has justtakenour preferences for our electives for this year, and I'm doing a composition. There's one problem- he hasn't told us the requirements. I know we need to produce a composition diary, two manuscripts, and two recordings of the final piece. But. I don't really...
  18. J


    That's a load of crap. Flea's best know for his slap, but he plays all sorts. I'm playing bass formy HSC this year- will be playing One Hot Minute. It sounds pretty cool ;)