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  1. J

    09er's - Performance Survey

    I play guitar, been playing for a lil over 8 years. My three performances for HSC will be classical, 12 string (if i can get my hands on one) and bass. I consier myself a pretty expert guitar player for my age, especially in classical music :)
  2. J

    Piercings and Tattoos

    With a gun, where I live it's $20, $40 for a needle, but the extra $20 is well worth it- it was so much less painful than even getting lobes gunned, and it puts less stress on your ear. And it was done by a pro piercer/tattoo artist, not some chemist bitch
  3. J

    Piercings and Tattoos

    10 piercings - three each lobe, one cartiledge, one nose, one belly button, one nape What? My cartilege was easily the least painful piercing I've had. Was yours done with a needle or a gun? If it was done properly with a needle by a professional piercer, you DEFINITLEY shouldn't still be...
  4. J

    How much sleep do we need?

    I work best off 6-7 hours of sleep. I find if i get 7 1/2+ I feel really tired, like I've overslept.
  5. J

    Damn! I forgot about Earth Hour.

    Exactly. It's a good awareness raiser, but ultimately pointless- it just means that there's more unused electricity in the grid.
  6. J

    Anyone do Ext 2 Maths and Ext 2 English?

    I was doing it for term 4, but I dropped at the start of this year cause I was struggling with the course work in extension 1 english. Sucks, I was enjoying my MW :(
  7. J

    [ Which one do you prefer working with ] Pi or e

    That made me lol very hard :) Personally, I prefer pi. Its far more elegant, and the numbers have a much nicer rhythm.
  8. J

    The great fabricated text experiment

    Ooh. This should be interesting :p
  9. J

    What file extension are you?

    You are .ogg Even though many people consider you cool and happening, a lot still find that you're a bit too weird to hang out with. Very true.
  10. J

    Australia (2008)

    Re: [Movie] Australia I'm seeing it on Sunday with my grandmother. The only reason I'm going to see it is because I love Baz Luhrmann's cinematography :/
  11. J

    What do your teachers think of us???

    My teachers all seem to hate it :(
  12. J

    Anyone else have written a script which has required no research????

    You just gotta read up on techniques and the conventions of scriptwriting... what is yours about? What style is it in? If it's a comedy, for example, you can read comedic scripts and monologues and use those as part of your research.
  13. J

    Movies about belonging

    I'm using memoirs of a geisha.... shitloads in that one :)
  14. J

    Belonging Story Ideas

    Hey guys. Was just wondering if anyone has any (unused) story ideas for belonging... I'm fine at writing stuff, but no good with getting the idea in the first place... Thanks :)
  15. J

    Your top 25 albums

    Not ordered, just numbered so i can keep count... are right for the time being, but a lot of these fluctuate 1. Red Hot Chili Peppers - One Hot Minute 2. AFI - Sing The Sorrow 3. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik 4. Gyroscope - Sound Shattering Sound 5. Lily Allen - Alright...
  16. J

    Official Anticipated Album Releases

    Apparently AFI have begun writing a new album... early days yet, but I'm looking forward to it :D
  17. J

    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    only politician that would look good naked lol
  18. J

    German teacher strips in front of students at party

    Wish my music teacher'd do this >.>