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  1. Orwell

    2017ers Chit-Chat Thread

    In all seriousness, 1984 is a very poignant book. Interestingly enough, most of the sadness I felt when reading the book was at Winston's reminiscence of his mother and that relationship there.
  2. Orwell

    Fourth year law student - ask me anything!

    I feel so confused after reading this. A job in law is all I've aimed for, I have no idea what to do now lol.
  3. Orwell

    Donald Trump

    Recent events have me like:
  4. Orwell

    Donald Trump

    I don't understand how there are over 300 million people in America and we were fortunate enough that Trump became President.
  5. Orwell

    Your political ideolgy?

    National Socialist represent.
  6. Orwell

    Donald Trump

    It's likle they never learn. Arm the jihadis, they defect to ISIS and cause more trouble lol. Silly Killary. Trump advocated against US interventionism on so many accounts - especially with Iraq.
  7. Orwell

    Donald Trump

    I love how these feminists come out in force detesting Trump by chanting 'Allahu Ackbar'. Fucking morons. ''Trump said 'Grab her by the pussy' - what a vile man, hang him by his balls! At least our candidate said nothing like that!'' Yeah, she was too fucking busy deleting emails and having her...
  8. Orwell

    2018ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    Good luck to all 2018ers undergoing the preliminary course.
  9. Orwell

    Rock Music Megathread

    That's a good song lol.
  10. Orwell

    Rock Music Megathread

    Do we? I thought it was a Folk Rock thread. Oh well, doesn't matter lmao.
  11. Orwell

    Rock Music Megathread

    Tempted to make an Irish Folk Music thread - I actually love that type of music..
  12. Orwell

    Rock Music Megathread

    It was just pick and choose, no album. Recommend me one, maybe I'll change my mind.
  13. Orwell

    Rock Music Megathread

    I could never get into Radiohead. They seem like a pretentious elitist bunch lol. I gave Elephant by White Stripes a try, pretty good.
  14. Orwell

    Rock Music Megathread

    Was about to write check out Jefferson Airplane, but I realise you linked it. I've listened to nearly all Beatles songs; I had my own Beatlemania at one point haha. I'll check the above.
  15. Orwell

    Rock Music Megathread

    Good taste man. You ever give The Slaves or Arctic Monkeys a try?
  16. Orwell

    Does Anyone listen to Grime Music????

    Google is at your disposal bro. It's rap that originated from England but it adheres to a certain structure and BPM, and is different to actual English Rap.
  17. Orwell

    Personality test!

    My one changed as well - I wouldn't say drastically though, I got: “THE LOGICIAN” (INTP-T) Admittedly, my political views, what I value, and my aspirations did a 180 degree turn since last time I took this.
  18. Orwell

    Writing a Mod A essay based of an extract

    Could you please post the question?
  19. Orwell

    What did past HSC students do in their summer holidays?

    Wow. This has taken me by massive surprise. I've wasted a lot of the holiday and I feel I'm at the point of no return.
  20. Orwell

    Has anyone finished making notes for each of their subjects?

    Where do you guys get your past papers? Wouldn't some of the past papers you do address unlearned content?