On second thought, I just saw the email informing me of the Info Day this Saturday and how I can get help with enrolment and what not. Will probably choose units after I get some advice.
Is the GLEP offer conditional? I've enrolled and it says 'admitted' but I've yet to select my units because I'm still trying to figure out the best set-up. I don't want to wait too long and have the offer revoked though.
Re: 2017 HSC Marks Thread
I've already enrolled into Macq Law through the GLP program but I'm still so worried. I wouldn't be so worried for my results or my ATAR at all if it wasn't for my parents.
Alright, thanks for the headsup man. I'll have to really consider this then.
So, are you suggesting I do POL 107 in the first session in lieu of a people or planet unit?
My suggested first year program suggests I choose a planet unit for the first session, so I guess I'll do that. It also gives me an option Academic Communication in the Social Sciences and Humanities or a People Unit, so I might just opt for the former in order to space them out.
Are there any...
Is it best to knock out both the planet and people unit in the first year or should I space them out?
Additionally, what does day and external mean and what's the difference if any?
I went to orientation today and I actually really enjoyed myself.
However, on my way out I picked up a copy of Grapeshot and I could barely read the headings without feeling nauseous. What's the general consensus on this publication around campus?
I found it so explicit and vile but I am a...