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  1. Orwell

    Illegal immigrant keeps 15-year-old Sydney girl as sex slave for a month

    Bring back the fucking death penalty and espouse it with torture, had enough of this shit.
  2. Orwell

    Are there no jobs for lawyers

    Yeah, I think you're right. However, by work experience, I don't exactly know what you mean?
  3. Orwell

    Are there no jobs for lawyers

    Are you suggesting I don't complete a law degree or are you suggesting I espouse law with something else for the sake of broadening my horizons? Either way dude, you've got me thinking and I can be very prudent with how I approach my future. Thanks for this.
  4. Orwell

    Are there no jobs for lawyers

    Yeah, it seems I might need to look into it. As long as it sort of aligns with my interest, I'd be happy but I just don't want an occupation that's too mathematically dense. I actually considered accounting/banking, but for the aforementioned reason, I was quick to turn it down.
  5. Orwell

    Are there no jobs for lawyers

    There's a really strong passion for law underlying my decision. Mind me asking what you do for work? I'm freaking out right now. Law's all I've ever considered and all I've ever known. It's still possible to do it for a bit in uni and re-consider and make changes? I'm just so confused. Edit...
  6. Orwell

    Are there no jobs for lawyers

    It says in your signature that you were an ex-solicitor? Mind telling me what you moved on with? I really enjoy economics in school right now and I'm pretty good at it, however, I hate mathematics.
  7. Orwell

    Are there no jobs for lawyers

    Politics. I was hoping to do a stint as a lawyer then move into politics. Possibly do something related to human rights, a diplomat/ambassador.
  8. Orwell

    Are there no jobs for lawyers

    International Law was something that appealed to me, but as was Commercial Law.
  9. Orwell

    Are there no jobs for lawyers

    Problem isn't that I can't move into another profession or an area where I can make money. It's that I genuinely enjoy law and had my heart set on it.
  10. Orwell

    Are there no jobs for lawyers

    Fuck me, I'm so worried now. I was thinking Humanitarian/Social Justice Law.
  11. Orwell

    I'm panicking

    I'm really going to focus on my isolating an idea and working towards it after the EE2 seminar this Friday, which seems a little daunting but I feel it's for the best. Anyone think I'm leaving it too long? Also, should I start working on my journal now even though I don't know what I'm doing?
  12. Orwell

    Donald Trump

    Lmfao. In other news, I heard the first batch of refugees are coming and settling in places like Fairfield and Liverpool. Fucking Australia's going to go down soon too.
  13. Orwell

    Atar Estimate

    Wow, school rank effects an ATAR that much? Take these ranks and assume the individual who received went to a 250-300 school, how would it look then?
  14. Orwell

    Any attention from genetically inferior males

    Re: any attention from genetically inferior males qualifies as harassment to women r u an ugly cunt or wat?
  15. Orwell

    I'm panicking

    Yeah, my teacher signed the EE2 students up for it :D
  16. Orwell

    I'm panicking

    Don't worry, I'm in the same boat you are.
  17. Orwell

    MQ Chatter Thread

    I'm very fond of Macquarie, although I do understand the whole reputation attached with USYD/UNSW.
  18. Orwell

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Macquarie is so appealing to me. Can anyone tell me anything about your Law faculty? I don't understand why when people talk of 'best universities' Macquarie isn't usually mentioned :l
  19. Orwell

    English Extension 2

    I was basically called over to be told that I have to change my idea because it was too 'John Green' like ahahaha, I totally see where my teacher was coming from. Coming up with an idea that's unique is so hard but I do know I want it to be a short story.
  20. Orwell

    2017ers Chit-Chat Thread

    After the bomb is bae.