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  1. Orwell

    Low atar estimate

    School rank?
  2. Orwell

    Favourite study food/snacks?

    I basically just drink tea.
  3. Orwell

    USYD Dux Scheme

    I thought it goes all the way down to 70?
  4. Orwell

    Interviews for E12?

    To be honest, I think they only sent out rejection emails and not acceptance ones. If you haven't received an email, if anything, I think that's a good sign.
  5. Orwell

    Question About Which Path To Take

    I just got an email stating I was denied for E12, so I guess I have no option but to take up Macquarie's offer. An external transfer is still possible first year though, right? EDIT: Or should I put down a USYD course with an ATAR I can achieve, go there and then transfer internally?
  6. Orwell

    Interviews for E12?

    As did I.
  7. Orwell

    Interviews for E12?

    Who shortlists you? And if you're not, do you still get an E12 for the commerce course now?
  8. Orwell

    Interviews for E12?

    Are there interviews for Commerce?
  9. Orwell

    Question About Which Path To Take

    Hi, thanks for replying. What do you mean by clear cut and nice? Is it more difficult? Also, what are credit points and how long would it take me to accumulate that many? Am I squandering my time by not doing law initially or do I not miss out on anything?
  10. Orwell

    Question About Which Path To Take

    Alright, I should start by saying that my goal is to do combined laws at USYD. I just received confirmation that my application for Macquarie's GLEP (Global Leadership Entry Program) has been successful and I have secured myself a position at Macquarie for combined laws in 2018. Despite this, I...
  11. Orwell

    Atar estimate pls

    Crazy that for a rank 150 school, you've only got 25 people doing advanced. And yeah, that ATAR is achievable.
  12. Orwell

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    I am simply stating that, not too long ago, Australians of a certain generation would've overwhelmingly come to rally against such a plebiscite. In this way, I am simply asserting that as time elapses there's a chance that individuals may be left dissatisfied with just homosexual marriage, and...
  13. Orwell

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    I'm sorry but in no way is making a determination, based on shifting trends, a logical fallacy. If anything, it's more logical than to just assume nothing irreparable will happen. There has clearly been an increased influx in transgenderism, homosexuality and infidelity through the continued...
  14. Orwell

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    These are the sort of questions that will spring to people's minds and be put on political agendas should the law be changed to reflect the 2% of people born with the defect of homosexuality. Poverty, domestic violence and other pressing matters will be put on the back burner so long as the...
  15. Orwell

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    I'd definitely appreciate some evidence to support this claim. There are way too many questions and variables for me to take this on face value.
  16. Orwell

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    I'm not quite following the thought process here. Firstly, to answer your question (although I don't see it's relevance to the debate at hand), it would depend on the severity of the disorder and the propensity for that disorder to endanger the child. Secondly, there's therapy and medication...
  17. Orwell

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    That's exactly my point; we don't acknowledge it as a malady. We know that depression is unbearable, we know that being crippled is a severe handicap but as far homosexuality is concerned, it's normal. This is caustic because legitimising homosexuality and levelling it with heterosexuality...
  18. Orwell

    Same Sex Marriage Debate

    Nowhere is it stipulated that same-sex marriage is a Universal Human Right. Quoting the UDHR: 1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during...
  19. Orwell

    E12 Question

    Reasons for application: Help pls.