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  1. P

    do most units at unsw have online lectures?

    i'm pretty sure i'll get paranoid thinking i'd miss my bus stop :P
  2. P

    Should I transfer to Commerce/Laws from Economics/Laws?

    I'd personally go for commerce/law. But the question is, are you satisfied with economics within commerce as a major? or an economic's degree.
  3. P

    To tuck or not to tuck in (CHECKERED SHIRTS)

    Wear a belt, tuck in the shirt for only the front part
  4. P

    do most units at unsw have online lectures?

    same... what a pain in the ass
  5. P

    Is it possible to do two degrees at once?

    Yeah I guess it'd require quite a bit of effort. he's going into his first year. But i believe that as long as you put in an effort to whichever subject, you should be able to get a decent wam and then transfer your course. as long as you do a relevant degree you shouldn't have wasted any...
  6. P

    What majors should I take in B. Commerce at Usyd for investment banking career?

    From what i heard. It's not much of the degree you do. You can do commerce/economics/law/actuarial studies/engineering/adv.maths or similar and as long as you get 95+ wam or have a good amount of EC you should be able to get a vac/grad jobs. of course, connection would help so much.
  7. P

    Peer Mentoring UNSW

    lol same here trollface.jpg
  8. P

    Is it possible to do two degrees at once?

    wut? i thought you were doing actuarial studies o.o"
  9. P

    Is it possible to do two degrees at once?

    just put in the effort at whichever course at uni. get a good wam. and transfer to your desired course.
  10. P

    Can Uac decline to give you and offer if...

    this. on the second round i got a placement @ macq yet there were supposed to be no vacancies... now to my looks macq seems cheap :P don't really wanna go there
  11. P

    What majors should I take in B. Commerce at Usyd for investment banking career?

    finance / accounting. accounting so incase things go wrong you know you have a backup plan
  12. P

    LoL thread

    Re: Official LoL thread The moment when you're whole team afks lol..
  13. P

    LoL thread

    Re: Official LoL thread You can carry out of bronze with any champion :P i'm gold 2 (not that good) but i play on my friends accounts to get them out of bronze.
  14. P

    LoL thread

    Re: Official LoL thread better nerf irealia
  15. P

    First February Round Offers

    Funny cause i got an offer from macq for actuarial studies in the second round, but on the pdf apparently there were no more spots left.. :P
  16. P

    P's test.

    50%. It's easy, just dont hit the kerb and always remember you don't have to get the car fitted perfectly in, in the first try
  17. P

    Help? How to improve?

    how much do you study per day right now? apart from school. Honestly 3unit really shouldnt be that hard if you put in the effort. it is all about practice and doing past papers. I suggest you actually try to understand the concepts behind the questions. Doing around 20 past papers for each exam...
  18. P

    See you there man! Which school did you go to?

    See you there man! Which school did you go to?
  19. P

    First Year Actuarial Studies Roll Call

    if 75% drop out by the end of the course, i might as well drop right now lel :P
  20. P

    First Year Actuarial Studies Roll Call
