The HSC exam trend is heading more towards understanding the concepts. The chem/phy/3u maths/4u this year all required concepts to be learnt not just rote learnt. And in the past few years for english exams, they started to specify 1 or 2 poems to be used in the essay out of the 7 (speeches...
True, but who would be foolish enough to rely on pure memorization?
I doubt it'd be a superior way than to understanding the concepts. Wouldn't get you a higher mark for sure.
Rote learning isn't much of a problem. If one doesn't understand the concept no matter how much they try to understand (e.g. black body in physics for me) the only possible way to be successful in the exam is memorizing.
Plagiarism on the other hand, is a bitch. And yeah as oblivious said in...
as i said, i may be mislead. but the general consensus from the link above, shows that 95 wam would be something that you should be aiming for if you want a chance in ib.
of course with good amount of ec's and good past records (work experience etc), you possibly can get into ib with 85ish.
Um.. we are talking about investment banking right? then yeah, my stats should be correct. only the best out of the best gets into IB.
Edit: I get these stats from the net, it's not reliable. I can be wrong. But from whirlpoool forum people say it's extremely hard to get into IB and hence...
ok, so when an alien with a nuclear bomb (or something greater) blows up the entire earth, would you still say because all humans cover each other's weakness we will win?
like wtf