Search results

  1. P

    Is 2U the same level as 3U in difficulty?

    in 3u, you have harder 2unit things + additional contents. 3unit is much harder than 2unit in difficulty
  2. P

    HSC mark raw for band 6?

    I meant the examination mark. The final exam mark. The school and ranking has got nothing to do with it :L i guess the the cut off was a lilbit lower for this year then
  3. P

    Math exam cheater?

    double post
  4. P

    Math exam cheater?

    Cheating for the maths quiz? Not sure if serious. It's not worth it.. worth only like 5% of you final mark. Just cram the night before and ace it ==
  5. P

    HSC mark raw for band 6?

    legit? wtf how did i get 93? i swear i got below 70
  6. P

    p-pe-per-PERDISCO :(

    honestly, i heard ppl getting 100%... two of my friends got 97% blah blah
  7. P

    p-pe-per-PERDISCO :(

  8. P

    Perdisco Cheat Sheet

    What is this perdisco cheat sheet people are talking about. If you have it, can you send it to me?
  9. P

    ACCT1501/ECON1101 Results Thread

    wow i feel so bad...
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    What is the difference between universities, specicaly UNSW and USYD

    I went to Cherrybrook Tech. It's not a selective, it's just the largest high school in nsw.
  11. P

    Is talent 100 good?

    in my school, most of the people who got above 99 didnt get tutored from talent or didnt get tutored at all.
  12. P

    MATH 1131 or 1141

    i heard that if you're capable, you should probably be doing 1141
  13. P

    What should i combine Finance with?

    do accounting
  14. P

    The Wolf of Wall Street

    I found it cool. Really made me wanna do finance lol. Gotta do that illegal shit. Derp~
  15. P

    UOW Bachelor of Commerce or Comm/Law?

    should do law. or commerce at unsw or usyd
  16. P

    Youth Allowance results

    or mail to your house
  17. P

    Youth Allowance results

    im not sure. but wouldn't they email/call you?