Search results

  1. P

    What's the best degree to do with commerce?

    Actuarial studies/commerce
  2. P

    Actuarial Studies

    Still that high drop out rate scares the shit out of newcomers :P scary man...
  3. P

    Breaking the law or: how I learned to stop worrying and dressing like a 14 year old

    Re: Breaking the law for my own good - I don't care just buy it... it's not alot.. you can get train10 for a cheaper price
  4. P

    What happens on MAIN ROUND OFFERS DAY ( CommLaw)

    when do we make the timetables then? edit:nvm
  5. P

    Actuarial Studies

    Just a casual discussion lol
  6. P

    Drifting95's Economics and Business Studies raw marks

    how did you only get 97.25? wth
  7. P

    kiwi703's raw marks - english, physics and economics

    oh shieettttttt Yeah ok "disaapointing with aligning" neck minute 99.95
  8. P

    Randox's Raw Marks (English Advanced & Eco)

    Gj ;) what atar did you get?
  9. P

    Is uni really a fresh start?

    You're gonna make him feel great
  10. P

    What is your iq?

    132 from
  11. P

    What is the difference between universities, specicaly UNSW and USYD

    lol'd so hard omg but depends on the faculty.
  12. P

    New to MQ? Get a Mentor

  13. P

    Financial Economics Jobs?

    i only read that finance maths is a joke. i could be wrong. but that's what i heard, haven't done the course
  14. P

    Actuarial Studies

    Yeah that was what i was thinking. Before B Act Studies came into UNSW, it was a major under commerce right? That means that they coulda gotten bonus points for the course hence even those with 91.3 atar could get in. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks
  15. P

    Driver Knowledge Test

    If you don't get 100% in the real test, you have some serious problems man. Dw about it. it's easy as fk
  16. P

    Raw for band 6

    Yeah, hear about the raw mark for band 6? it's more than 80% == btw i got 93 exam mark. so yeah go figure
  17. P

    Thank you so much! You're such a nice person! Maybe I'll see you @ UNSW this year ;)

    Thank you so much! You're such a nice person! Maybe I'll see you @ UNSW this year ;)
  18. P

    Actuarial Studies

    Yeah, was there. in the commerce/business info. Probs see you this year ;)