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  1. Q2C-ME

    Answers to General Maths Exam

    i agree...they just add that timezone jargon so people dont do any GMT + are account for daylight savings...if you look at practice papers and even past papers they corrobrate this question
  2. Q2C-ME

    Answers to General Maths Exam

    lol ive posted so much...but id jus like to say one thing. i think everybody or from what ive heard everyone thinks Q28 the last bit and Q27B) the loan bit is the hardest, and that is about 10makrs althought you will atleast get a bare minimum of 5 with okay working out. but i think their...
  3. Q2C-ME

    Answers to General Maths Exam

  4. Q2C-ME

    Answers to General Maths Exam

    honestly dont get so down....if its a hard test lyk i think...u never kno how marks get "alligned"....that 90 is not impossible :)
  5. Q2C-ME

    Answers to General Maths Exam

    i feel as though they will only accept 0.2...because although they hav note made it explict they will use the subtle english excuse lyk always...."one standard drink"...and i reckon this can be further suppourted because if you think about it...this is kind of a ratio question.. 1.6:20ish mLs...
  6. Q2C-ME

    Answers to General Maths Exam

    for that one i got 0.2 ml/ thinking im wrong cause every1 else is not getting my answers :(...grrr!...i think its 0.2 because they have given you 1.6 standard drinks...and the MAXIMUM is one standard drink so hence you have to convert
  7. Q2C-ME

    Answers to General Maths Exam

    i got disagree with you in regards to MC Q 2...cuz if you think about it a box by defintion has a bottom ummm...17 i think its B...dunno why but made sense...proballi wrong on it and for Q25 b) the tree quite sure that the denominator doesnt change because they said ( two at a...
  8. Q2C-ME

    general mathematics MC answers

    1) A 2) D 3) C 4) D 5) B 6) B 7) D 8) C 9) A 10)D 11)B 12)A 13)C 14)B 15)B 16)D 17)B 18)A 19)D 20_D 21)B 22)C thats what i got :S
  9. Q2C-ME

    Hard Questions

    19.4T = 8 [after substiution & multiplying the top and adding the bottom] 12.7 therefore 8X12.7= 101.96 101.6/19.4= 5.237113402 nd works i substituted the afore answer to confirm...umm nd just round it to whateva you want no worriez...ahkzz lol dnt do that...
  10. Q2C-ME

    Hard Questions

    u have clearly made it apparent to everybody that you have indeed no courage whatsover in facing me in person, you have all my detials including school, phone and address yet you still shiver at any prospect of potential confrontation. in more simpler terms, if you where going to pursue a...
  11. Q2C-ME

    Can you get a band six?

    haha oh dear and thats wat im aiming for.... getting band 6 in std eng is lyk gettin a 100UAI...onli 22 peopleish get it....mind u if u do standard its impossbible to get a 100 cuz ur capped
  12. Q2C-ME

    Hard Questions

    question 7 a) i] Q <---theta therefore Q/360 X 2 X pie X R 15/360 X 2pie X 6400 = 1676 (nearest Km) ii] 8 X 1.852 = 14.816km/hr therefore 1676 / 18.8 = 113hours iii] 10:00am Tue 12th Dec ( 113/24= 4ish and bout 7/10 days) therefore = 4 days = 10:00am Sat...
  13. Q2C-ME

    Hard Questions

    yes 4 quaters in a year correct... the reason for 0.005 is that u always gotta convert a % into a decimal...that is the essence of the stuipd formula :)...btw thats a very unorthdox question normalli they give u a rate lyk 12% per annum...ow much per quater...nd wat u do is divid it by 4 then...
  14. Q2C-ME

    Hard Questions

    a) i] greenwich = 0`, therefore 60/15 = 4 hours therefore 8:00am ii] 190 * 4= 760mins, calaculator makes it 12 H & 40mins therefore 3:20am tuesday b) i] 48 + 15 = 63 ii] 63 x 60 = 3780 X1.852 = 7000.56 therefore 7001 to nearst Km c) i] 119+ 151= 270 / 15 = 18hours therefore 11:00pm...
  15. Q2C-ME

    Hard Questions

    okaii...question is defiantly a data type one...IMO u put it in the three yea get the avg s.d. and then comment on skew....umm ur evaluation shuld b based on from the few numbers uve given me it appears that munch is better...and wuld b poistivly skewed...but...
  16. Q2C-ME

    Hard Questions

    10/110 x 22.00= $2 hence, A yea?
  17. Q2C-ME

    Raw Marks?

    ur a bit mis-informed the bos will allign ur raw if u think thats 70 raw then it culd get alligned to 73 e.t.c depending how every1 else done...ive talked bout this in my eco raw marks thread and yes not many people get a hsc mark...have to remember exam mark a few do...but hsc...
  18. Q2C-ME

    strictly ONE related text?

    2 from the list . nd dulce was on the list but im my memoary calls correctly they said atleast?
  19. Q2C-ME

    Economics in nearly a week:(

    ahkkz kewl... yer hopefulli...ill b over essays...i got modern before!!!
  20. Q2C-ME

    Strictly Ballroom, Owen and Raw..!!!

    wdf? high aspirations is a and all this time ive been told its a virtue u shuld feel bad if u havnt done nythin...nd u therefore dnt deserve anythin....sweety if u fail this test of life i find it diffuclt to comprehend the amount of falls u will undergo later on....i was not trying...