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  1. Q2C-ME

    How many words for eco essay?

    exemplar responses are lyk 3000 +
  2. Q2C-ME

    Lets talk economics...

    im bored and this is a good way of updating yourself... Rudds bank depoist is reflecting regulatory changes to heighten confidence, but is it to late?
  3. Q2C-ME

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Re: Modern History / Economics = Gayest Exam Day Ever! ud b surprised....their both the best scaled SOCIAL SCIENCE subjects....hmm eco obviouslly better but people that do 4u nd 3u and 2u for that matter got it the day b4 :D
  4. Q2C-ME

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Re: Modern History / Economics = Gayest Exam Day Ever! how was it?
  5. Q2C-ME

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Re: Modern History / Economics = Gayest Exam Day Ever! me fuckin pisses me of...i wanna go their and seriously shoot some shit up...grrr!!!...muthfukas and im coming in first so i got "expectations"...ahwell atleast i kno ill hav a good mdoerated mark...but still grrrrr
  6. Q2C-ME

    Can you get a band six?

    its not called scaled its called alligned
  7. Q2C-ME

    Bullshitting your statistics?

    this coming from the person who speaks like a man...yet has an undisclosed sex
  8. Q2C-ME

    why is the $A depreciating?

    ricardo...the guy that made the ricardo model about protectionist polices is not jew. also some paki guy made one of the human index's....with a stuffed up country like his...go figure
  9. Q2C-ME

    why is the $A depreciating?

    correct furthermore...that whole expenditure thing you were saying is not true....its to your making several assumptions that capital expenditure will reduce consumption yea true....but lyk just because its reducing import consumption, it means its reducing domestic consumption...
  10. Q2C-ME

    why is the $A depreciating?

    kinda...but not really
  11. Q2C-ME

    why is the $A depreciating?

    let me clear your mis-conception it wont be in the exam in the form of a question however, any simple question to which a student is able to proivde the latest statistics reflects higher knowledge and hence higher marks. i went to this lecture day thingy and that teacher who taught the person...
  12. Q2C-ME

    Bullshitting your statistics?

    and its not that hard their gonna see inflation at 5% lyk 100s of times if you put in a little effort and say, however components of CPI such as transport have risen by almost 7.3% reflecting high cost push factors such as rising oil prices, despite the recent slow down and commitment by...
  13. Q2C-ME

    Significance of what’s happening now to exam

    it affects the economy in almost ever fascet
  14. Q2C-ME

    why is the $A depreciating?

    one more thing....yes the AU$ has depreciated against the US$, but the TWI still remains relativlly unscaved umm i think its 60 down to only 56 over lyk a year, the change does reveal a depreciation however not as severe against the U$....but then again you have to remember that the TWI takes...
  15. Q2C-ME

    why is the $A depreciating?

    basically the resoning for the rapid fall in the Aus ($) has been idenitified by the RBA as the transition to a less restrictive monetary policy. If you browse the RBA's site their is this bulletin which shows how the preceeding hours leading up to the annual tuesday meeting the currency dropped...
  16. Q2C-ME

    Economics... Are you guys ready for the exam..?

    pretty just irritates me how all the stimulus are outdated and you cannot relate it to the current environment....matter of fact even the stimulus they give us for 2008 HSC wont be updated...grr! i guess its not realli stimulus rather..."take the current happening in the worlds...
  17. Q2C-ME

    So who else thinks we got slid a 2 unit paper?

    any 07ers wanna comment on how they thought they did and wat they got or even better if they can make an evaluation for the comparison of the two papers im hoping this year is different for the general maths sterotype (as it does kinda appear the board has intended it this year?..mayb?)...
  18. Q2C-ME

    some of the wording in the exam...

    lol...people should stop saying irritates me this is how it works....lets say for example you get 85...that gets alligned to about 90 which is a band 6 and the BOS decides that yes your mark of 85 does qualify as this standard then UAC (a seperate entity) basically scales...
  19. Q2C-ME

    some of the wording in the exam...

    i got a feeling they are gonna revise the revised hsc or deleted this course and go out wid a bang or they just wanna "amp" up the general maths level still wishing i did 2U...even if i got 65's it wuld scale better :(