i think its hard to question the merit of each exam because of the fact we do them....hmmm like think of it...obviosully your gonna study for 50% of your total mark more than say 15% (half of 30% which is usually trials)...i reckon teachers are in more a line to make a judgment but most will...
i have a feeling that its all a conspiracy and they just fuckin ring up the skool and say what should he get....hence why teachers rnt really that surprised when you tell them a result and why theirs always a strong correlation between ranks and marks bla bla
we didnt even get to tie ours...
his good
but i dont know...i reckon he does lack a little bit of sophistication
dont just venture of into one historians perspective on everything
i dont know your options, but for the core their are heaps such as D.Winter for all the trenches and attitudes, Thompson for all the straegys...
its a very nitty gritty aspect of the syllabus, and one often neglected (although not specifically mentioned it is crucial to know of)
umm i guess ill start by very quickly saying that monetray policy has two instruments, the other less known one is money supply or monetary targetting and it...
yer ur right...jst appriviate reigons and add FTA
*bankstown and auburn free trade agreement *
jkz people...thiers always that one that writes it
btw...thoose exemplar responses are not written in exam time....orr mayb wait i should word it better...they are written in exaggerated time...like 1 hour nd a few minutes for each essay. which is just ridcualousyly stuipdddddd...i kno...because i kno the guy that wrote them :)
cbf reading through post of sum1 has said these...but they are the best;
GUY: have you ever worked on a chicken or rooster farm?
GIRL: no (most probally will say that, if yes even better)
GUY: cause you sure know how to raise a cock
heyy why dont you come sit on my lap and we can talk...
okaii...im praying for the following..in order;
strategies and tactics
anti-war movements
impact on civilians
us policyplease please please!!!!!
ny1 wanna guess?...u kno the more i think about the less chance there can be for a pattern of any kind in any modern topic because this is the...
okaii south africa isnt bad...definatlyy do the sharpeville one
umm...indochina...hmmm...79...79...is that wen the khmer rouge or at their peak of power?...ny1?
yeaa id do american involvement...so much to talk bout...e.g. policy, political structure, people, alienation, re-invigorated...
first of all its section 4
and secoundly i recommend you make the links rather than dot points...cause for an essay it will be superfical. For e.g. last years question of the top of my head was consquence of french victory bla bla ....but the dot point or more better worded the key feature and...
i dont think you should get that specific....stay macroish....just cover how it affects an economy, because you wont be able to cover everything...like for e.g. international convergence may affect a consumer in one way , an employer in another. and an investor in another...but their all the...
because im lazy...and i dunno, ive never been fond of "marathons"...im an economist
Basically, ill start by saying "intergrating" in the global economy, the terminology should be international convergence as this covers an array of things such as similar finanical systems e.t.c...
according to syllabus its basically lyk this:
Individuals: short term unemployment, or structural unemployment due to the cessation of inefficent industrys and a more efficent allocation of resources will lead to long term employment however. Furthermore, individuals who also act as consumers...