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  1. Q2C-ME

    How to write an Essay on Wilfred Owen

    context! alot of things, time, religon, ummm how propaganda was big mind you dont digress...but i believe when u examine poetry and their is obviouslly no related texts then context is crucial e.g. Wilfred owens poetry is confined a poetic context in which many poets predominatly...
  2. Q2C-ME

    Poll : Raw Marks

    god this post is stuipd...havnt i been through this on the eco post...shit lyk this is why BOS doesnt realise raw marks ur not gonna see ur raw their is no point stipulating..... Person A gets 80 in year 2000...person B gets 75 in year 2001 althought it seems person B did...
  3. Q2C-ME

    Case Studies in Extended Response?

    okaii...answer me this.... Person A uses a well known case study Person B uses a relatively unkown case study both proved sustained knowledge with business terminology and concepts e.t.c on that basis alone...the people are equal...and thats what the BOS says too...doesnt matter what case...
  4. Q2C-ME

    raw marks?

    yea i didnt word it properly.....its not on a single basis the most important thing....its ur raw mark relative to others that is important and whats the utmost importance that the UAC takes into consideration is ur subject relative to others...(scaling)
  5. Q2C-ME

    Case Studies in Extended Response?

    what problem...thats what im asking you...identify the problem? and no they are not testing you on ur if they where they would go and verify it...research is when u hand in an assignment...and ur teacher goes wow that sounds good and its actually from me thay...
  6. Q2C-ME

    Case Studies in Extended Response?

    friend got 96 in hsc with made up case study u onli loose marks if ur stuipd...nd i mean realli stuipd theyre testing u on ur knowledge not ur freaking research....and who ever follows this post with some quote from the bored of studies saying students shuld apply real business bla...
  7. Q2C-ME

    subprime mortgage crisis/global credit crunch

    even simpler... u can make it twofold: banks lending to average joes, with poor skills and lack of gurantee during periods of growth a lack of regulation in many facets of the economy...e.g (foreclosure on an individual level and short selling on a bankish level)
  8. Q2C-ME

    raw marks?

    yes, ur correct they use the raw marks....BUT...they use it to compare subjects has a role...but very insignificant one i think i shuld write a book post hsc...titled: " The Hsc And UAI process for dumbies"
  9. Q2C-ME

    raw marks?

    first things first... a raw external mark gets ALLIGNED!!!! (bos process) then ur internal mark gets moderated!!!! (bos process) and then and only then once a hsc mark has been created do subjects get scaled so basicalli uve missed the middle bit( bos bit), and hardli any1 knows the middle...
  10. Q2C-ME

    raw marks?

    yer hard thankzz
  11. Q2C-ME

    creative writting enders? fault with my broken ethnic english.... say ur writting a creative writting, or u have memorised it effective (in terms of marks) to hav a good ending last lyk leave and impression on the marker.... e.g. alas alas...(its that word they use in old english...
  12. Q2C-ME

    creative writting enders?

    hey....shuld u use lyk a creative writting ender...lyk a last line for a lasting impression... lyk...." alas...alas" its a sad story?
  13. Q2C-ME

    Problems Answerni Section 1, Paper 1, (especially the last question)

    not so much essay style.... its a tricky one to explain, ummm IMO...the directive terms are ur lifelinee compare and contrast are the common ones, what i normalli do is compare the techniques, the purpose, the tone e.t.c THE THESIS! so my teacher says i recommend looking at standards...
  14. Q2C-ME

    raw marks?

    for gods sake...everything scales.....either up or down its to make it an EQUAL PLAING FIELD!!!!!!!!
  15. Q2C-ME

    raw marks?

    yes it does, however it is also difficult get a band 6 in pdhpe i.e. top 5.4% (2004ish i think)
  16. Q2C-ME

    raw marks?

    thank you for ur description, but i was not the one who mixed up the uac and bos concept. the basis of my quuestion was raw makrs to what allign mark...nd no matter how much we all try to estimate or speculate it wil always b an unkown number, although an educated guess can land u close to it...
  17. Q2C-ME

    Raw mark?

    it doesnt matter what ur assessment mak is that changes anyways....wats ur rank?????
  18. Q2C-ME

    Raw mark?

    wats ur rank? and wats ur skool ranked
  19. Q2C-ME

    raw marks?

    scaling is the post bit...i think use have missed the point lykk...what raw mark does the bos see as what mark X = band 6, but mark Y = band 5.... so for eco what raw mark would get alligned into what band and on a different topic...modern history does not fair to badly in...
  20. Q2C-ME

    Raw mark?

    wow...a 100% raw? yer...but even then business is pretty sure...lyk theyd get a lower scale...i think so...ny1 can correct me so....wat do people think for raw marks?