No. 'Friendship' is far too narrow of a theme. However, they may ask about relationships in general which includes friendship but also familial belonging. Also, there are very few instances of friendship that occur in Skryznecki's poems and these really can not be enough to sustain an entire essay.
What order is it best to do the sections in? My class teacher said to do sections 3 then 2 then 1. However, it really didn't work out well for me in the trials for lack of time management. So, what do you guys suggest? Does it really matter or should I just go in sequential order?
Definitely not. Other prescribed texts such as the play As You Like it can not really be 'segmented' and so people can't be asked about specific Acts or what not. (Although they did do that in Mod B for Hamlet last year by asking them to refer to the end, but it was a critical study and most...
Hahahahaha! That could be my best Rick Roll yet. = D
Anyway, I really don't want to bother you any further with telling you minutiae, so I'll be heading off now. Have a good night! (And sleep!)
Ah, the damned sleep deprivation! For that, I prescribe sleep! No, I deeply apologise for that. I probably should leave you alone now, sorry for interrupting you for seemingly no reason.