The only reason we are having this argument is because I do care. I do care that people are making unfounded and wholly ignorant judgements about people who work hard to get where they're at.
Mate, you do realise that you have lost all credibility with people on this site? We no longer care what you think. I apologise for being so mean, but seriously?!
You are wrong. Arrantly wrong.
But why the frick are you suggesting that working hard to get good marks is mutually exclusive with having a great personality and the ability to assimilate into a team setting?! Are you deranged?! Did someone reject you for being too stupid or something because...
BUT WHY?! Why would you screw over a person who has just taken the initiative to excel in terms of academics unlike you who has just been mediocre all of your life?! This is complete BS and I hate what you stand for.
Exactly. You can get a 99+ ATAR/ HD without sacrificing the social aspects of your life. And almost everyone I've known, knows this. Therefore your entire argument has just been undermined.
But that is the exception to the rule. I know there are people like that; but far more have attained brilliant jobs. And for a moment, do you not think that these 'academic goals' allow them to have some sort of self-fulfillment that maybe you acquire elsewhere? There is nothing wrong with...
Don't you get it?! It's not about the 'ATAR', it's just knowing that you've done your best and feeling proud of yourself for achieving something that you've worked really hard for, whether it be 92, 94, 96 or 97. You're going to hit a roadblock eventually if you just want to float through life.
Yes. Yes, I am saying you didn't do your best. Whatever you did, you could have still done better. An extra 1.5 hours would have given you several more marks. Even if you didn't need them, why wouldn't you just try anyway? It doesn't make sense to me; you've tried so hard over the course of the...
Look, I go to Ruse, I don’t know why in the world they let me in, but they did. But most people there are incredible; state-level athletes, great performers, have social lives that extend beyond what I would even imagine to be apart of, they are great with people, disgustingly nice, and yet the...
Are you kidding me? This is ridiculous. Yes, those who get HDs and 99+ ATARs may be over-achievers but they’ve challenged themselves. That’s what makes them suitable for the workplace; they’re willing to do something with everything they’ve got regardless of how truly little pay-off there is to...
TheOptimist wasn't trolling. Do what you enjoy and what pertains to your interests.
But if the course you choose doesn't seem right to you, you can always transfer. Also, what you choose may not always be what you ultimately end up doing as career, anyhow. So have no fear and dive into the...
I think everyone stopped reading at 'Anyone have friends'.
But it seems that almost everyone is in it for the long haul. Two weeks; so close yet so far.