Yeah, I suppose so.
That's a good idea, but I really don't want to do it again. I hate exams, not that anyone likes them, but I'd rather get the estimate than do another.
Yesterday, the English department lost my English Advanced essay. I asked what would happen if they weren't able to find it and they replied with 'You'll get an estimate'. NO! NO! NO! This is bloody crazy. I'm already sitting just below average and this time I tried really hard to boost my...
Yes, you can do a dilution series using the formula. It is simply creating about 4 different solutions of varying concentrations of a substance in a volumetric flask. The easiest solute to use would be with Cu 2+, usually in the form of CuSO4. This is because (as you already would know) it has...
Yeah as Carrotsticks said, it's essentially a program intended for progressive students, in terms of both academics and intellect. You need to apply for it and only a select few schools offer it as part of their course structure. If you have completed this program, write 'yes' or if not write...
NSB had their trials in about Week 7, which is crazy.
Don't worry too much about when they are, as everyone in your grade will be in the same boat and only your rank matters. Also, you'll have more time to prepare for the HSC.
Yeah, but surely you did not think that when you were doing your HSC. I don't think anything we go through is as bad as it seems, but right now it just seems pretty shit.
"The best chance of winning is to not be afraid of losing" < You told me that. I don't think you should let your judgement be clouded by these uncertainties. Honestly, what's the worst that could happen? You're smart and you're willing to work hard and that's going to pay off. Even if it doesn't...
Validity is essentially how well the experiment and the results address your aim. Did the pendulum experiment produce results that determined 'g'?
In order to address validity, you need to take into consideration the variables and whether they were kept constant (of course apart from the...
Scroll down to where it says 'Other supported materials', there should be links to PDFs of all the prescribed texts
Haha, go to the Sonya Phillips (?) room. I don't think many people know of it, so it's pretty easy to find a spot to study. And it's considerably quieter.
I don't think you should worry too much about scaling. Akin to chem, the marks are scaled based on the difficulty of the subject, so it'll be less likely to attain higher marks in them anyhow.
But OP, Quanta is essentially an extension of Ideas. So if you're alright with that topic, you'd do...