So my dad and brother are going to Vietnam for holidays (my dad's getting married) but it's on the 3rd of Dec which is like 2 weeks before school ends. Considering the fact that I'm basically in year 12 now, should I go with them? I'm not actually sure if I should go because it might have an...
Hello everyone! I'm Natalie but you may call me "Laughable" if you wish.
For HSC I am doing:
- Standard English
- Advanced Maths
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Ancient History
- Visual Arts
and I will also be picking up Ext. History to get a 'feel' of what it's like, if I can't cope then I'll drop it...
UGH I procrastinate by playing games, watching movies and TV, listening to music and aimlessly wondering around on the internet. I need to stop procrastinating. x_o
Haha that's good then. Don't freak out and study at a good pace. :)
Oh btw all I do is follow the syllabus dot points when I study, I try to make my notes brief as possible so it won't be as hard to remember. :D
My half yearlies are on RIGHT NOW. I've studied a considerable amount for Bio, Chem and Maths and I believe I've done well in Bio and Maths. Chemistry test is Tuesday next week. (:
I had like 3 tests yesterday (lol half of my subjects -___-) and it was draining studying for 3 different subjects...
Eh I'm nearly finished studying Biology but I think I haven't been putting solid effort on my second half of studying it.
Got Chemistry and Maths left to do. Not gonna study for English/V.A/Ancient History unless you count reading through things.
I made a study table and followed it for 2 days...
That's what I was planning on doing but I ended up giving in 3 artworks (pretty crap though).
I know I should "suck it up" and not use my finger as an excuse but it does affect how productive I can be.
I know it's "only" preliminary but I want to do my best starting now, not in year 12. It...
Believe me I've watched it, not very helpful at this moment in time.
I just found out that I'm not allowed an extension because before I fractured my finger I was still "lazy"... I don't remember being lazy, I did all my work as far as I could remember. Great.
Okay I'll just do whatever I can in the next 24 hours (which won't be much). :/
I can't because all the V.A. teachers have decided that I should be banned. Just because of one day that I forgot to hand in the tablet in the morning...
I've talked to my year adviser about it and she said she'll...
She IS the head teacher but she told me off about being lazy and unproductive when she found out I didn't do anything for my theory work and practical...
I need the tablet from school to use it but I'm banned lol...
I fractured and dislocated my finger on my PIP joint (I'm sure P.E. students know what the proximal phalanx is) and apparently it was a pretty bad break so I had surgery.
I lost all motivation after I couldn't write but now I'm trying to do my best. Half yearlies are on when I come back and...
Haha that's really good still, but I'm not sure I'm that good considering that's the HIGHEST ATAR. x_x
It's too late to change now unfortunately... :/ The highest grade I got for year 10 was B and I got a low band 5 for the SC...
Have to agree.
Urgh, I just dont seem to think I'm good enough for Advanced English, hence picking Standard... Despite people telling me I have "good creative writing skills"', I think I'm pretty bad at English analysis.