Yeah I was unmotivated for most of the year with bouts of motivation here and there, but I'm finally getting into it so you can too!!! I've studied 7 hours so far and I'm just gonna take a bit of a break now. Today is the first day I've actually studied like this so don't feel too bad! I think...
Compare the body structure, cranial capacity, fossil ages and regional locations and inferred culture of these species:
Australopithecus ramidus
Australopithecus afarensis
Australopithecus africanus
Paranthropus robustus
Paranthropus boisei
Homo habilis
Homo ergaster
Homo erectus
Compare the body structure, cranial capacity, fossil ages and regional locations and inferred culture of these species:
Australopithecus ramidus
Australopithecus afarensis
Australopithecus africanus
Paranthropus robustus
Paranthropus boisei
Homo habilis
Homo ergaster
Homo erectus
Excel books should not be used as a basis for making notes. Try actual textbooks for notes and use Excel books for the revision questions.
I suggest Biology In Context and Biology in Focus. :P
2166 eshayz ladz.
Eh I dunno the full force of it hasn't hit me yet but I guess it's creeping up on me... I'm going to miss the atmosphere and routine more than anything, don't care for about a majority of my year group.
Standard English - 80/135
Gen. Maths - 4/69
Chem - 22/37
Bio - 15/40
Ancient History - 21/52
Visual Arts - 9/22
Uh yeah I'm not sure if this is correct or not but from what I can see on google, my school ranking is about 302.
Oh and would I be pushing it if I wanted an 80 ATAR out of these ranks?
Man I've been finding it really hard to feel motivated to study. We finally handed in our V.A. major last week so I've got basically nothing to do but study yet I still can't make myself do it. I have no excuse. :C Well I just started getting hayfever today (yay for spring...) so I guess that's...
My ranks are pretty terrible though so I'm definitely not gonna get 60 ATAR. Plus our cohort sucks! I got 73% in gen. maths without studying and the average was around 30-40%.
If it makes y'all feel better I got around 52~77% for my trials.
I punched the numbers in and it says my ATAR would be around 50.7 so I'm pretty much fucked... Unless I stop procrastinating which seems unlikely at this point. :/
I guess I shouldn't complain, I pretty much studied last minute for...
@soloooooo: The marks I'm getting in exams scream fail haha, it's just that my cohort sucks ass that's why it seems like I'm doing good lol
@Shadowless: Shit how did you find out?
Anyway uh the reason why I dropped down from Maths to G. Maths is because I missed a whole month of work (goes for...