I did mine end of last term and I've gotten all my marks back but one (and on the one I don't know fully, I know I got 100% on the multiple choice which is good start haha).
All my ranks to my working out have ended up being 1 to 4

I'm not sure if on my report MX1 people get ranked in with mathematics too, so not sure what my rank would be if that's the case? (Oh, I'm very sure I'll get a good mark/rank for the one I haven't gotten back).
I'm a little dissapointed with the all the silly mistakes I made like drawing an extra dot on a lewis diagram, doing a maths Q right but then doing it again wrong etc. But I'm content at how I went overall and know I can improve. I get a report in like two weeks (an interim one, which is a mini sheet one and not a full booklet one). Most subjects it'll be just based on half yearly mark(only assessment), but some subjects I've already done quite a few assessment tasks (Economics and Modern). Ext English we have an assessment task coming up but not in time for our interim report so it'll prob just be a comment from the teacher
But yeah, mainly half yearlies were very interesting. Everyone has really started studying alot, and some people's marks have appeared out of nowhere! I'm content with my marks because I think my cohort is a strong one! I hope my school gets ranked better come HSC time. And I surprised myself doing better and worse in some subjects so it levelled out.