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  1. Amleops

    Contact hours

    Yes, 3 days is reasonable, possibly 2 depending on the subjects you are doing. As for contact hours, commerce and law subjects generally have 3 hours each, so expect 12 contact hours all up.
  2. Amleops

    BUSS1020 / MATH1905 Help

    Commerce/Science students actually have to do BUSS1030 over MATH1005/1905. The fine print is here: But still contact the Business School and see if they can make an exception.
  3. Amleops

    Enrolment Terms and Conditions
  4. Amleops

    how effective are timetable preferences?

    Well I've always gotten all of my preferences for the last 3 years. It might depend on the faculty. As long as you put in your preferences before the timetables are released I'd imagine you wouldn't too many problems.
  5. Amleops

    Enrolment Terms and Conditions

    OK so assuming you've already submitted your Commonwealth Assistance Form, there's only one other thing I can think of. Says here (under 2 - Choose Your Units And Classes To Enrol) that people in...
  6. Amleops

    Enrolment Terms and Conditions

    OK, well underneath Bachelor of Arts it says "offered" and not "enrolled", so have you accepted your offer yet? If not go to the My Offer tab.
  7. Amleops

    Enrolment Terms and Conditions

    Try ticking the box on the right hand side.
  8. Amleops

    ethnicities at usyd

    There are plenty of Asians at USYD as well. You get quite the mix of different cultures at any university. Besides, I think you'll find that most people in our age group don't care about things like ethnicity when picking and choosing their friends.
  9. Amleops

    ethnicities at usyd

    Oh universities love racial minorities, believe me, you'll fit right in.
  10. Amleops

    Hottest 100 voting for 2015

    Decent countdown this year. I was very surprised The Rubens topped; it wasn't a bad song, but I was really expecting Jarryd James to be there. I would have placed Purity Ring, Courtney Barnett, The Chemical Brothers, Rufus and Lana Del Rey much higher than they were. And I was really expecting...
  11. Amleops

    Trouble enrolling in Usyd Medical Science Subjects

    There should be collection boxes on the left hand side of the screen below all of the text where you can pick and choose units from. As for what units to pick, it should be pretty straight forward, Medical Science mandates most of its topics. Use the handbook if you are unsure. The streams that...
  12. Amleops

    B Arts vs B international and global studies???

    All the examples you've brought up are hearsay, but nevertheless, there is a great difference between fashion and the humanities/social sciences, which the OP is looking at studying. The creative arts (fashion, visual arts, music and the like) are one of the few areas where the job prospects are...
  13. Amleops

    B Arts vs B international and global studies???

    I just said there are job prospects in every field. I have no idea where you got that Gloria Jeans crap from. My point still stands.
  14. Amleops

    B Arts vs B international and global studies???

    Not at all. There are job prospects in every field, and while some may have more than others, if you are good at what you do there will always be something available to you when the time comes. But that's far into the future. What is most important now, when you are first entering university...
  15. Amleops

    B Arts vs B international and global studies???

    No, it's the last thing they should be worrying about, that's why I said it. You're in uni to learn, not to get a job.
  16. Amleops

    B Arts vs B international and global studies???

    If you're 100% sure about the majors you want to pursue, go with INGS. If you want more flexibility, go with the BA. It's really not too important. At this stage job prospects are the last thing you should be worrying about.
  17. Amleops

    Pen/Paper vs. Laptop (Which laptop?)

    Science subjects would tend themselves more to pen and paper because of the symbols and diagrams that are involved with the content. You could use a laptop if you wanted to, but personally I'd find it quite inconvenient.
  18. Amleops

    Pen/Paper vs. Laptop (Which laptop?)

    Pen and paper would be better for the more mathematical/statistical subjects you'll end up doing. Otherwise it's totally up to personal preference.
  19. Amleops

    Should I buy textbooks before uni starts!?

    Yeah they're around the $30 mark, so not too expensive. The only mathematics course at USYD with a textbook is MATH1002/1902, and there are no course notes available for that subject. Technically you could do without them but they are quite organised notes and sometimes have extra questions; I...