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  1. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 I'd imagine ACCT1006 would be more full on as it one of the core subjects for the accounting major. ECON1003 is an elective open to anyone, so I'd imagine it would be easier. But given the unit prohibitions, it seems that it is pretty similar in...
  2. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 One of the alternate prerequisites for CHNS2612 is HSC Chinese for Background Speakers, so I'd imagine if you are already fluent and/or native speaker of Mandarin you should be fine. But seeing as you say that you are "sort of" fluent, I'd be very wary...
  3. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 Ah I'm actually at the Carslaw Learning Hub most of the time, but it's coming towards the end of semester and I'm pretty much over it, so spending all day drinking at Hermann's may not be such a bad idea haha. Sucks about the enrolment issues. What's...
  4. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 I'm still here! Unfortunately there just doesn't seem to be much to talk about. Student elections are coming up though, so hopefully that gives me something to rant about again haha.
  5. Amleops

    Bachelor of Economics- Major in Japanese Studies?
  6. Amleops

    PLEASE HELP! Combined Law at USYD via Broadway Scheme?

    You're not doing yourself any favours by worrying about something you can't control. Just apply for the Broadway scheme and put Combined Law in your preferences, and if you don't get in then do a JD once you have finished your first degree.
  7. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 Do you see university education as a right, or a privilege? I sense that's where we may reach an impasse.
  8. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 All the more reason not to complain. It doesn't achieve anything and shows disrespect to the university that was kind enough to provide you with an education.
  9. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 Perhaps if somebody is ashamed by a university, regardless of whether or not those feelings are justified, that person should look elsewhere for their tertiary education? Just a thought.....
  10. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 Just heard about that. There seems to be one or two people saying that the equivalent Chinese word for "pig" is used as a pejorative term for someone who blindly follows the Communist Party. So perhaps his statements were political, rather than racist?
  11. Amleops

    If you DNF all your subjects in a semester does anything happen?

    No. The subjects will still count towards your HECS debt but there is no academic penalty.
  12. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 Ah come to think of it, I'm not so sure now haha. I have a terrible memory, 2015 was so long ago. :p
  13. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 Strangely enough I've never actually been down that way recently. I'd check it out today, but with the weather at the moment I'd prefer to spend as little time outside as possible.
  14. Amleops

    University of Sydney to cut 100 degrees and triple research investment

    Whether or not most of those universities offer an honours program similar to ours I don't know, but perhaps the differences in global reputation are inconsequential. I don't know enough about the issue. I would still preference the MRes though. If it's going to be anything like Macquarie's...
  15. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 Oh dear. I don't think I'd be able to cope with Ruibin Zhang recordings. In person was hard enough. :haha:
  16. Amleops

    University of Sydney to cut 100 degrees and triple research investment

    Yes, so the only differences are psychological really. Once the options disappear hopefully the unfounded perceptions go too. I don't think there are too many places other than Australia and a few Commonwealth countries where Honours is used anymore; I think a Masters of Research may be a...
  17. Amleops

    University of Sydney to cut 100 degrees and triple research investment

    The degree cuts make sense. Many are too specific; I never got the point of doing a BIGS or a BPESS when you could do exactly the same things in an Arts degree. It's much better to just offer generalist degrees like BSc, BA, BCom etc, and let people choose their majors/electives accordingly...
  18. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 Well here is what I've noticed from my maths subjects, if this is any help: MATH2961 wasn't recorded; the lecturers were both pretty old. MATH2962 was recorded. MATH2069/2969 wasn't recorded and again, the lecturer was pretty old. MATH2065 was...
  19. Amleops

    Access Card

    Perhaps I'm being overly cynical. To be fair I never really felt like the discounts helped me too much haha. Where do you get your coffee from? Last year I was using my Access card to get coffee from Laneway, but I stopped this year once I found out Pride of Redfern did it much cheaper.