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  1. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread I hate 84's :mad3:
  2. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread They've changed the name of "Differential Equations and Biomathematics" to "Nonlinear ODEs and Applications". Whether that means they're coming up with more varied case studies I don't know. I hope so.
  3. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread And that's uni all done for this year. Could've done better overall this semester but it probably didn't mess me around too much. Happy it's over. So, one more year and I should be all done with undergrad :)
  4. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread Ah alright, so there is such thing as unspecified credit. Cool. Cheers :).
  5. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread Hey someth1ng (if you see this), just a quick question for you. When you go on exchange, do you have to take units that are more or less the same as ones that are offered at USYD? Or can you take ones without any USYD equivalent and still have it counted to...
  6. Amleops

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Ah yes, Arts departments have quite an annoying habit of discontinuing and bringing back old subjects. That's part of the reason why I can't study logic anymore haha. Cheers, I'll remember to update that at the end of the year. :)
  7. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread Sigh. Why can't people just get along?
  8. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread Well this is just pathetic.
  9. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread Here's hoping. :) I haven't done too many non-maths subjects at uni so I may need a bit of a shift in my approach to study, but I don't think that will be too much of a problem.
  10. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread They don't recommend it, but you can if you want. I'm not worried, I can handle it. Plus it's the only way I can complete the psychology major in one year, so yeah.
  11. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread So I've been waiting for about a month now to have my places for PSYC1001 and PSYC1002 in Summer School confirmed. Then I got a few emails yesterday saying I'd been enrolled in MATH1001, MATH1002 and WRIT1001, which I'd already completed in Summer/Winter...
  12. Amleops

    Studying at uni

    Depends on the person and the subject. Some subjects offer lecture notes which you can study, others don't, and some give you past papers, while others don't. It's totally up to whatever you feel comfortable with. University study is much more independent than it is at school, so the onus...
  13. Amleops

    Really confused

    And what are those stats measuring? Job rates I'm guessing? Even if we assume the unlikely scenario that those rates are directly correlated to the quality of the education and nothing else, it's still a subjective measurement. Some people care about employment. Others don't.
  14. Amleops

    Really confused

    The word "best" implies an objective standard of measuring. But people place different emphasis on different things. UNSW may have the greater perceived prestige, and for some people that might be enough for them to consider it the best in their eyes. But the better option is to do your own...
  15. Amleops

    Really confused

    Go to Info Days and see if that gives you a better idea. If not than just do flexible first year and decide where you want to go from there. There is no "best" university; it's all subjective depending on what matters to you. The three universities you've mentioned all have good reputations, so...
  16. Amleops

    Will you stay on BoS after your HSC?

    It would be nice if a lot of high school students stayed on; it would make the university forums much better. I only really post in the USYD section nowadays, and unfortunately there isn't really a lot going on there. If there was, I'd probably be a lot more active than what I am. Thing is...
  17. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread You could always join a fraternity :lol:
  18. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread Thursday 12th - 9:20am Saturday 14th - 9:20am Saturday 21st - 9:20am Well that's not good. :(
  19. Amleops

    When do exam timetables usually come out? It says here it will be available after 6pm.