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  1. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 Pretty much catching up on the backlog of uni work left behind post-GAMSAT. Fun haha.
  2. Amleops

    Is commerce at USYD or law at Macquarie more likely to lead to success?

    And it's these sort of attitudes that end up being very counterproductive for you in the long run. You are in university to learn, not to get a job. If you are good enough at what you do employment options will present themselves when the time comes; but that is a long way off, and at this...
  3. Amleops

    Is commerce at USYD or law at Macquarie more likely to lead to success?

    If you are more interested in law, do law at whatever uni you can get in to. The last thing you should be worrying about at this stage is job prospects.
  4. Amleops

    Commerce Majors

    Alright that seems like a decent plan. You can definitely fit in a second major if you want. If you were still open to doing a HR major I would do WORK1003 in Semester 2 and INFS1000 in Summer School 2017. Or alternatively you could fill your 6 remaining subjects with the only other 2...
  5. Amleops

    Commerce Majors

    Don't do finance if it doesn't interest you. But I'm assuming you've figured that out already. I doubt other people's opinions will help you here too much. Do INFS1000, WORK1003 and BUSS1020 in your first year, and hopefully after that you should be in a good position to determine which major...
  6. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 Well the recordings have been sorted out now, so I should be OK to attend one and be pretty certain that the other two will be recorded. But yeah, fortunately for me none of my classes are compulsory like yours, otherwise I'd be in a bit of strife haha.
  7. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread 2016

    Re: USYD Chatter Thread - Semester 1 2016 So, I have two triple clashes this semester. One of the conflicting classes is a third year maths lecture, so I went to that one yesterday because I thought that would be the only one that wouldn't be recorded. Turned out to be the opposite. The maths...
  8. Amleops

    Starting the semester with a tutorial

    3063 and 3066. Only have 3 maths units to go now, at this stage I'm just looking at finishing off the major, and doing as many WAM boosters as I can to help for graduate entry courses.
  9. Amleops

    Starting the semester with a tutorial

    So it should be. Maths is great. :) Anyway, I'm pretty certain it's a mistake. I have a tutorial for a 3rd year maths subject that apparently starts first week as well, but the lecturer contacted us all and cleared it up. I'd imagine a similar thing is happening with you.
  10. Amleops

    Where can I view my final marks for completed units (through my uni)

    My Studies --> Assessments --> View your academic transcript for xxx
  11. Amleops

    Access Card

    Get one if you need to join a society that requires it (not all of them do, but I forget whether SUMS is one of them). Otherwise don't bother. Once you've been at uni long enough you'll understand just how annoying groups like the Union and SRC are. :lol:
  12. Amleops

    Medical Science Career Paths

    Don't worry about career prospects. Do whatever you enjoy.
  13. Amleops

    Can you do a double major in Biology and Physiology?

    If you read the handbook, you'd know that the subjects required for both the Biology and Physiology majors (minus some overlap in first year) are totally different. So yes, of course you can do both majors.
  14. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread

    You can click the red boxes and it gives you the classes, but yeah, I don't get why they did that. I have two triple clashes so that's a pretty decent chunk of my contact hours I can't view straight away haha. Fortunately I've made my own copy of my timetable so all is good :).
  15. Amleops

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Just got my timetable. Doing five subjects this semester, but managed to cram it in to mostly the mornings of four days which is good. This should be an interesting year. I'll finish undergrad this year, and I've recently decided to try my hand at getting into USYD Medicine for next year or the...
  16. Amleops

    Need HELP with HECS payment method !!

    I know. But the instructions on the page should tell you what to do, so it makes me think your screen shows something different to what it normally does. Does your page look similar to this? If so just press submit.
  17. Amleops

    Enrolment help for Advanced Science

    Psychology counts as a science subject so you won't have any problems there. And you are able to take a maximum of 8 subjects outside of the Science faculty, so that includes Commerce.
  18. Amleops

    Need HELP with HECS payment method !!

    Can you post a screenshot of that page?
  19. Amleops

    how effective are timetable preferences?

    They're pretty accurate, occasionally a tutorial may be cancelled if they don't get as many enrolments as they expect, but otherwise it should be fine.
  20. Amleops

    BUSS1020 / MATH1905 Help

    Yes, they pretty much teach the same things. If they let you enrol in MATH1905 fair enough, you'll probably get more out of that than BUSS1020 anyway, just keep in mind you may want to apply for credit for BUSS1020 through Sydney Student, because it would still be listed as a subject you need to...