Oh yes very good. The bleedin heart liberal tag slipped in without resorting to the cliche, good. Turning it into a left versus right issue very good indeed. Trying to claim the use of the racist tag quickly before it is used against you, interesting.
I assume when you talk about "them" you refer to advocates of reconciliation, like Peter Costello. So let's look at the solution, you, the tolerant, open minded, positive, compassionate people see as the solution. Effectively you're solution entails you paying less tax, or getting more spending, basically the solution that means you compassionate, tolerant people get a few more feathers for your nests.
You are commited to attacking those whom are in greatest need of improvement. I understand there is such a thing as "tough love" and I understand there are times where it is neccessary. However you would do well to learn the distinction between tough love and aggression. Libelling the communities of which I am fairly sure we all agree are in need of improvement is not tough love, it is simply adding insult to injury.
Your supposed solutions expect a community to recover from the sins of the past whilst those institutions which commited the sins deny them, suggest they were not sins at all but noble acts, that they should be thankful.
You advocate for crimes to go unpunished, for stolen wage to go unrepaid, for damages to not be met with compensation and yet you go onto complain that those who the crimes were commited against, the wages stolen from and the damage dealt to should feel no antipathy, no resentment at all about the whole affair.
On the rare occasion you extend your arm and advocate for reconciliation you write off the indigenous Australians as a lost cause for not all lining up to smoke the pipe of peace the day after it was offered. For not being able to brush off overnight over a century of genocide, stolen wages, land dispossession, stolen children, introduction of diseases and any number of other inequalities you accuse them of playing devils advocate. Never accepting any resolution for the sake of being difficult.
People like yourself only weigh in on the debate to assign blame, to accuse others of being ungrateful and soft would be better to just abstain and let those commited to improving the status quo do the weighing in.